
Stephen Colbert Butts Heads with Author Over Muslim Revolutions

Matt Cherette · 09/08/11 12:30AM

On tonight's Report, Robin Wright (the journalist/author, not the Sean Penn ex-wife) stopped by for an interview with Stephen Colbert about her new book, Rock the Casbah, which argues that the recent Middle East uprisings prove the United States' post-9/11 policy of "gunboat diplomacy" was both misguided and ineffective. And in a rare instance of earnestness—mixed in with his requisite schtick, of course—Colbert repeatedly challenged Wright's arguments. Here's a video of the interview's more combative moments.

Iran Hangs Three Men For Having Gay Sex

Seth Abramovitch · 09/06/11 11:54PM

It was an old-fashioned gay lynching in Iran on Sunday morning, as the state executed six inmates by hanging at the Karound prison in Ahvaz, in the country's southwest region. According to Iran Human Rights, three of the six were sentenced to death for "'unlawful' acts and acts against Sharia," based on "the articles 108 and 110 of the Iranian Islamic penal code." Articles 108 and 110 of the Iranian Islamic penal code are the ones dealing with gay sex.

Report: Muslims More American Than You

Hamilton Nolan · 08/30/11 11:46AM

Muslims: scary, or just weird? The deceptively reassuring answer meant to lull you into a false sense of security is "Just weird," according to a new survey that is clearly Soft on Mohammed.

Anti-Islam Nut Sees an Enemy in Rick Perry

Jim Newell · 08/29/11 02:17PM

Don't be deceived. Despite his attendance at not one, but two extremely not-Muslim Christian churches, as well as his constant cavorting with the New Apostolic Reformation, Rick Perry is basically Osama bin Laden in cowboy drag.

David Letterman Marked For Death by Pro-Palin Jihadist

Seth Abramovitch · 08/17/11 11:41PM

A frequent commenter on the Shumukh al-Islam internet forum has called for American Muslims to "cut the tongue of this lowly Jew and shut it forever." The lowly Jew they were referring to was that late night nudnik from Indiana, David Letterstein.

Fake Moorish Scientists Driving Courts Nuts

Lauri Apple · 07/27/11 01:17PM

Saying you follow the Moorish Science faith has become the new "I'm 1/16th Cherokee," at least among financial fraudsters. All across our great, greedy nation, people are falsely claiming Moorish Scientist status in order to file phony legal documents, avoid paying taxes, and declare one's self above the law, among other illegal things.

Muslims Going to Anti-Prejudice Conference Kicked Off Plane

Max Read · 05/07/11 08:45AM

Memphis Imams Masudur Rahman and Mohamed Zaghloul had boarded a flight Friday morning when they were told the pilot wouldn't fly with them aboard. They were going to Charlotte—to attend a conference intended to "address prejudice against Muslims."

Maine Mosque Vandalized Following Bin Laden Death

TPM · 05/02/11 07:52PM

On Monday in Portland, ME the walls of the largest mosque in town were spray-painted with "Osama today, Islam tomorow [sic]" and other phrases, sometime following morning prayers on the day after American forces killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.

Donald Trump: Bad Christian, Worse Philanthropist

Max Read · 04/12/11 06:50PM

Donald Trump is not nearly as generous with money as he is with opinions: Between 1990 and 2009 the aspiring presidential candidate gave only $3.7 million of his (purported) billions to his own charity.

Anti-Porn Politician Busted Watching Porn in Parliament

Max Read · 04/11/11 06:05PM

An Indonesian politician whose party sponsors anti-porn legislation has resigned after being photographed watching porn in parliament on his tablet computer. And as if that wasn't bad enough, he used the old "I just opened a link in an email" excuse.

Poll: Most Americans Are Islamists

Max Read · 03/24/11 10:02PM

Bad news for Rep. Peter King's eternal fight against the second-largest religion on the planet! Turns out most Americans are actually dyed-in-the-wool radical Islamists: Sixty nine percent would be "okay" with having a mosque in their communities, and 46 percent have a favorable view of American Muslims, according to a CNN poll. As you might imagine, there is one last bastion of true American Muslin-hating—the rural south, where one half of people say they'd "disapprove" of a neighborhood mosque, unless it had a big confederate flag painted on it. [CNN; image via AP]

Tennesseeans Attempt to Make Not Robbing Banks a Felony

Max Read · 02/24/11 02:34AM

Worried about the ever-encroaching menace of Muslims practicing their religion? You may want to move to Tennessee, where State Sen. Bill Ketron (pictured) and state Rep. Judd Matheny are introducing a bill that would "make following the Islamic code known as Shariah law a felony, punishable by 15 years in jail." Nashville-based Imam Mohamed Ahmed wonders:

Where to Spend Valentine's Day if You're Single

Max Read · 02/10/11 03:52AM

Single on Valentine's Day? Instead of complaining loudly and publicly or going to some kind of stupid themed singles event, you should take a trip to Malaysia or Russia, where religious authorities are attempting to crack down on the decadent Western celebration of couples being gross with each other.