
Meet The Director of Muslim Innocence: A Mystery Man Named Alan Roberts

Adrian Chen · 09/13/12 06:44PM

Upon the release of a Hollywood film, the director typically gets the bulk of the media attention while the producer keeps a lower profile. In the case of the infamous Muslims Innocence viral video, which has sparked a wave of violent protests in the Middle East, this has been reversed: The film's producer has been exposed in the media as a liar and a fraud. But we still know next to nothing about the director, a man who goes by the name Alan Roberts.

How a Building Super Foiled the NYPD's Super-Secret and Probably Illegal Dumb Surveillance Operation

John Cook · 07/25/12 09:57AM

After 9/11, the New York Police Department in its manifest wisdom decided to start pretending that it was a global intelligence agency staffed by stealthy Jason Bourne types. In pursuit of its goal of spying on all Muslims, everywhere, New York's finest even crossed the Hudson River to New Brunswick, New Jersey, to establish a secret surveillance outpost because seriously there are Muslims literally everywhere. That little operation was foiled in 2009, though, when a super named Salil Sheth happened upon an apartment filled with surveillance equipment and Muslim literature and called 911 because he thought he'd stumbled upon a terror cell. The AP has just obtained the audio of the call.

Reddit Will Destroy Islam With Dumb Memes

Adrian Chen · 06/25/12 04:26PM

Attention Muslims of the world: Better get your Muslim-ing in ASAP because atheist users of Reddit have decided to "go after" your puny religion. Rest in peace, Islam. You had a good thousand-and-a-half-or-so years but you're no match for image macros and rage comics.

Little Girls Protest Iran Barbie Ban: Alternate Doll 'Ugly and Fat'

Maureen O'Connor · 01/18/12 12:50PM

Ooh boy. Here's a quote that speaks volumes, from Reuters' article about Iran's morality police "cracking down" on the sale of Barbie dolls, which is forbidden. Stores have been instructed to sell Iran's specially-designed, ultra-demure Sara and Dara dolls instead, to the disgust of the superficial girl tykes of Tehran:

Is Your Thanksgiving Turkey an Islamofascist?

John Cook · 11/21/11 03:38PM

Beware the turkey jihad! Unsuspecting families across Christian America will sit down to Thanksgiving dinner this week, completely unaware that they are about to feast on a bird that was slaughtered in accordance with Shariah law and will therefore give them Islamic cooties!

PolitiChicks Is a Conservative Version of The View from Hell

Matt Cherette · 11/17/11 01:52AM

So, former SNL star (and current loon) Victoria Jackson got together with three of her conservative friends to combat media's liberal bias with a new online talk show called PolitiChicks. Here's the first episode, which features some enlightening discussion about Muslims and gays and gay Muslims and how they're all destroying America and oh god please make it stop. [via @aurosan]

'No Muslims in Military,' Says Moron State Rep.

Max Read · 11/15/11 12:16AM

With only a few scant weeks left in 2011, Tennessee State Representative Rick Womick has made a late break in the running for "Absolute Dumbest Thing a Republican Has Said About Islam This Year." Let's check in, shall we?

The NYPD Is Spying on Muslim College Students

John Cook · 10/11/11 01:52PM

Today there is yet another in an astonishing series of revelations from the Associated Press on the extent of the NYPD's illegal surveillance of Muslims: The city is sending undercover cops into local colleges to spy on Muslim students. Why? Because they're Muslims!

The NYPD Spied on Its Moderate Muslim Allies, Because They Were Muslims

John Cook · 10/05/11 03:30PM

The Associated Press has yet another shocking story about the NYPD's kafka-esque effort to literally monitor all Muslims, everywhere, all the time: Among the people the department targeted for surveillance was a leading moderate imam who was profiled in a Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times story and ate breakfast and dinner with Mayor Bloomberg while the NYPD was tracking him as a potential terrorist.

What Impact Will Anwar Al-Awlaki's Death Have In The West?

TPM · 10/01/11 09:30AM

The death of Anwar al-Awlaki, an American-born cleric linked to al Qaeda's operations in Yemen, is likely to impact American Arabs and Muslims in positive fashion, according to Dr. Hussein Ibish, former communications director for the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Commitee.

Man Accuses Daughter's Homework of Promoting Islam

Lauri Apple · 09/25/11 05:12PM

A concerned dad in Georgia was alarmed to discover that one of his seventh-grade daughter's recent homework assignments featured a letter, written from the perspective of a fictitious Saudi woman named Ahlima, that praised Sharia law and the comfort of black robes. The homework promoted Islam, the dad concluded.