An Indonesian politician whose party sponsors anti-porn legislation has resigned after being photographed watching porn in parliament on his tablet computer. And as if that wasn't bad enough, he used the old "I just opened a link in an email" excuse.

The now-former MP, Arifinto—who like so many celebrated producers and consumers of pornography goes by only a single name—is a member of the Islamic Prosperous Justice Party, or PKS, which has attempted to ban pornography in Indonesia. And while he's resigned from elected office, he says he'll still work for an apparently very forgiving PKS:

"I will continue to work for my party. I'm also going to continue to better myself, by repentance, reading the Koran and asking for guidance."...

"PKS lawmakers are human. What happened to [Arifinto] could happen to anybody else," said the head of the party's Shariah Body, Surahman Hidayat.

Ha, yes, watching porn in parliament: It just "happens" to you sometimes.

[BBC; image via AP]