
Obama Calls for War: "ISIL Is Going to Lose"

Aleksander Chan · 02/11/15 04:30PM

President Obama issued a proposal to Congress today seeking authorization for a three-year military operation that would ramp up the United States' fight against Islamic State forces in Syria and Iraq, primarily through "a systematic and sustained campaign of airstrikes."

How ISIS Makes Its Blood Sausage

Sam Biddle · 02/06/15 12:50PM

On Tuesday, people around the world were able to watch Islamist militants burn a man alive as easily as they could see Rihanna and Kanye's new music video. The face of the victim, Jordanian pilot Muath al-Kaseasbeh, was plastered across Facebook and CNN—and here on Gawker. The moments before his demise became ubiquitous. And it was made possible by one of the most sophisticated propaganda machines ever created.

Jordan Agrees to Trade Terrorist to ISIS in Exchange for Captured Pilot

Aleksander Chan · 01/28/15 09:25AM

The Jordanian government announced Wednesday that they have agreed to release prisoner Sajida al-Rishawi in exchange for the release of Moaz al-Kasasbeh, the 24-year-old lieutenant captured by ISIS last month. Al-Rishawi has been imprisoned since 2005 for her involvement in the al Qaeda attack on Amman that left 60 people dead.

How a Mentally Ill Japanese War Tourist Became an ISIS Hostage

Sam Biddle · 01/20/15 12:30PM

Two Japanese hostages were unveiled by ISIS this morning in a video demanding a $200 million ransom: A journalist named Kenji Goto, and "security contractor" named Haruna Yukawa. But Yukawa is less a private mercenary than a war tourist—one who traveled to Syria in the wake of a serious mental breakdown.