The Lebanese military claims to have detained the wife and child of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The two were reportedly arrested more than a week ago as they tried to cross into Lebanon from Syria; the wife is being held for questioning at the Lebanese defense ministry.

There are conflicting reports as whether the child is al-Baghdadi's son or daughter: The New York Times and the BBC claim the former; Reuters, citing a DNA test of the child, claim the latter.

Reuters also identifies the woman as Saja al-Dulaimi, an Iraqi citizen who was apparently released from a Syrian prison with more than 100 other women in March in exchange for the release of 13 nuns kidnapped by militants connected to al Qaeda.

The BBC speculates the two might be used by Lebanese authorities to negotiate the release of more than 20 soldiers captured by ISIS in August—three have reportedly been killed.

It's currently unclear, given how little is known about al-Baghdadi, if al-Dulaimi is his only wife, or one among many; a source apparently told the Agence France Presse that she is his second wife.

Reports swirled last month that al-Baghdadi had (or had not) been injured (or even killed) in a U.S. airstrike on an ISIS convoy. The group has since denied reports al-Baghdadi was hurt in the attack.

[Image via AP]