
Gabrielle Bluestone · 09/03/14 11:51PM

[A candlelight vigil at the University of Central Florida on Wednesday night honored Steven Sotloff, a journalist and alumnus of the university who was beheaded by ISIS in a video released earlier this week. Image by John Raoux via AP]

ISIS Mass Executed Up to 770 Iraqi Soldiers, New Evidence Confirms

Allie Jones · 09/03/14 11:40AM

New evidence collected by Human Rights Watch shows that the mass executions ISIS committed in June were on a larger scale than anyone imagined. Previously, ISIS bragged that it executed 1,700 soldiers near Tikrit around June 14. Only about 160 of those deaths were confirmed by HRW then, but now the group says 560 to 770 Iraqis were mass killed.

U.S. Confirms Steven Sotloff Beheading Video, Obama Vows "Justice"

Aleksander Chan · 09/03/14 07:19AM

The National Security Council has confirmed the authenticity of the video released by ISIS yesterday depicting the beheading of American journalist Steven Sotloff, the second such video in two weeks. "Whatever these murderers think they'll achieve by killing innocent Americans like Steven, they have already failed," President Obama, speaking from Estonia, said Wednesday. "We will not forget, and our reach is long and justice will be served."

Ft. Hood Shooter Nidal Hasan Pens Letter Asking to Join ISIS

Aleksander Chan · 08/29/14 07:07AM

Nidal Hasan, the Army psychiatrist who was convicted of murdering 13 people in the 2009 shooting at Fort Hood, has written a letter to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi requesting his acceptance into the group's self-declared caliphate. "I formally and humbly request to be made a citizen of the Islamic State," Hasan apparently wrote in the letter, first obtained by Fox News.

ISIS Captures, Brutally Executes Dozens of Syrian Soldiers

Allie Jones · 08/28/14 09:18AM

After capturing the Tabqa military base in northeastern Syria, ISIS militants reportedly killed at least 65 Syrian soldiers on Wednesday. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, "some were shot to death, while others were killed with knives." ISIS also bragged on Twitter about killing "about 200" government prisoners, though the Associated Press couldn't immediately verify that claim.

U.N. Says ISIS Massacred Hundreds in Ethnic Cleansing Push in Iraq

Adam Weinstein · 08/26/14 09:40AM

The United Nations' top commissioner for human rights argued Sunday that the Islamic State was committing "crimes against humanity" and offered proof of a prison massacre in which ISIS militants separated the inmates into Sunni and Shia groups and killed all the Shias.

Boko Haram Declares an Islamic Caliphate in Nigeria

Allie Jones · 08/25/14 11:13AM

Boko Haram, the militant Islamic group that has been kidnapping women, girls, and boys and capturing territory in northern Nigeria, has declared an Islamic caliphate. The Nigerian army already rejected the claim as "empty," noting that the "sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Nigerian state is still intact."