
Crazy Conservatives Are Sure a Gitmo Detainee Killed James Foley

Adam Weinstein · 08/22/14 09:42AM

James Foley was courageous, and his murder by an apparently English-accented zealot of the Syria-based Islamic State was so horrific that no simple narrative can do it justice. Unless, that is, you're a conservative political opportunist of a special sort, eager to pin the crime on liberal policies.

What Is the U.S. Bombing in Iraq? A Lot of U.S.-Made Battle Gear

Adam Weinstein · 08/08/14 12:58PM

The United States has initiated airstrikes on Islamic militants in Iraq who threaten fleeing civilians. But what precisely are we attacking? Likely a lot of stuff we built, sold and shipped over there during our long war to keep Iraqis safe, at least one expert says.

Iraq's Getting Worse. What's Going on With the U.S. Troops Over There?

Adam Weinstein · 08/07/14 01:19PM

In case you haven't heard, shit's getting worse in Iraq again. Islamic militants have expanded their control over territory, secured a dam that provides water and power to much of the country's north, and now threaten a religious minority with extinction. What the hell happened to the military forces America sent over in June?