
Severed Head of Genital Disease Patron Saint for Sale

Max Read · 05/25/11 07:15PM

Attention, discerning auctiongoers! The head of St. Vitalis of Assisi — the patron saint of genital disease — is up for auction in Ireland this coming Sunday. Obama must be so bummed he just left!

Obama's Fancy Limo Gets Stuck on a Curb

Adrian Chen · 05/23/11 11:27AM

Here's video of Barack Obama's bullet-proof limo getting stuck on the curb outside the U.S. embassy in Dublin, Ireland where he's starting his six-day trip to Europe. Obama was probably in the back going "Gun it! Let's jump this mutha!" (Or, maybe that was just the spare limo.)

Everyone's Leaving Ireland Again

Hamilton Nolan · 02/24/11 04:12PM

Remember when all those people left Ireland thanks to the potato famine and then your grandparents would never shut up about it? Uh oh, it's happening again! (The leaving Ireland part.)

The 'Top 10' Office Email That's Scandalizing Ireland

Hamilton Nolan · 11/10/10 03:55PM

Accounting giant PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) is mired in scandal after a group of 17 male employees in Dublin started forwarding around a "top 10" list of their picks for the most attractive female employees in the office. We have it.