
Corporate Insiders Are So Dang Lucky Trading Their Own Stock

Hamilton Nolan · 11/14/13 12:29PM

At least once per year, it is healthy for all of us to take a moment and reflect upon the fact that corporate executives are quite plainly using their insider status to make unfair profits on their company's stock, while you, the average unconnected jerk, remain poor. Today is that day.

The Nobel People Are Seriously Short on Cash

Hamilton Nolan · 10/16/13 01:17PM

The Nobel Foundation, which has been handing out the world's most prestigious prizes for more than a century, knows a lot of good economists. Maybe they should ask them how to make some money?

Here Is Perhaps the Single Biggest Ripoff on Wall Street

Hamilton Nolan · 10/08/13 09:51AM

Do you or a loved one have an investment account—perhaps for retirement? Is any of that money invested in a "managed futures" fund? If so, stop reading now and pull that money out immediately. It is being stolen from you as we speak.

How to Earn Better Returns than Warren Buffett

Hamilton Nolan · 10/07/13 03:27PM

When the great recession struck in 2008, many companies desperate for help turned to Warren Buffett, the world's only well-liked rich guy. He spent the next few years spreading around tens of billions of dollars of investments in distressed companies. How's that working out for him?

Harvard Goes Too Far in Rejecting Divestment

Hamilton Nolan · 10/04/13 10:10AM

There has been a growing movement of late to push colleges and universities to get rid of all their investments in fossil fuels, in the same way they were pushed to divest from holdings in apartheid South Africa a generation ago. Harvard has answered: no thx.

Investment Advisors Are Worthless, The End

Hamilton Nolan · 09/23/13 03:58PM

Here is a fact: paying people money to give you investment advice is a waste of your money. It will not make you money. DO NOT HIRE INVESTMENT ADVISORS, STOP NOW.

Hamilton Nolan · 09/09/13 02:15PM

Price buster alert: hedge fund fees are declining slightly. One expert gushes, "'We're seeing the ability to get better fees, especially if you can commit more than $100 million' to a fund." Don't miss this opportunity to save.

Are Hedge Funds Detrimental to College Idealism?

Hamilton Nolan · 09/06/13 10:14AM

College endowments are much flashier than they used to be. They frequently reach into the billions of dollars; they attract top investing talent; and, most notably, the majority of their money is in "alternative" investments like private equity and hedge funds. Is this hurting students' ability to be proper idealists?

How to Teach Your Kids About Money

Hamilton Nolan · 08/02/13 11:49AM

The youth of America are plagued by shocking financial illiteracy. Most can't balance a checkbook, much less invest wisely. With our apologies to the Wall Street Journal, we present to you a realistic plan for teaching your kids about money matters.

Hamilton Nolan · 07/12/13 02:01PM

Here you will find another in a theoretically bottomless barrel of stories explaining why hedge funds are scams.

The More Your Pension Fund Pays Wall Street, the Less You Get

Hamilton Nolan · 07/03/13 08:54AM

The highly paid money managers of Wall Street often point out that they're not just making money for themselves; they're helping to enrich the retirement funds of millions of state workers, just like you. False! A new study points out that the more Wall Street makes, the less your pension fund makes.

How to Beat the Wall Street Pros in One Easy Step

Hamilton Nolan · 06/19/13 11:48AM

Even the lucky people who have cash to invest are often cynical about the stock market. "The game is rigged. Smart money vs. dumb money. Insiders win. Efficient markets. You can't beat the pros. Why try?" Etc. Wrong! To be a successful investor, you only need to know one thing.