
Ayla Brown, Meghan McCain, and the New Republican Fameballs

Pareene · 01/21/10 03:26PM

Perhaps the weirdest attack John McCain made against Barack Obama in 2008 was his brief summer campaign charging that Obama was a celebrity. Because Americans, you know, like celebrities. And this year's Republicans have finally learned that lesson.

Yale Murder Suspect's Old MySpace Page

Andrew Belonsky · 09/15/09 08:15PM

Oh, yes, yes, YES! In the grand tradition of American psychos, alleged Yale murder suspect Ray Clark has an internet presence. And, as testimony to his backward ways, it's a MySpace account. Do people really still use MySpace? Well, no. Not Raymond, at least, for his apparent account hasn't been activated since 2006, which was, like, a billion years ago. Still, his profile does reveal some interesting tidbits, like the fact that he likes porn. A lot. And in many media form.