
The Long Internet Trail of James Von Brunn

Pareene · 06/10/09 04:18PM

Who taught 89-year-old neo-Nazi killer James Von Brunn how to use the internet? Isn't it weird how much of a net presence he had, for a century-old lunatic? We have his (surprisingly postmodern) art and his weird forum posts.

The Global Village Is Too Poor for YouTube

Owen Thomas · 04/27/09 02:07PM

Just a few years ago, venture capitalists pushed Internet startups to conquer every last corner of the world. Now they're asking why they don't just pull the plug on the Third World.

Sad Web 2.0 Losers Ready for Web 3.0 (As Soon As They Figure Out What It Is)

Owen Thomas · 04/13/09 03:40PM

Failed Internet mogul Alan Meckler is really excited about the Semantic Web, aka Web 3.0! And who can blame him, since he pretty much failed at versions 1.0 and 2.0? Meckler, who has run a passel of third-rate Internet websites since the early '90s, when he was best-known for trade titles like CD-ROM Librarian, now calls his company WebMediaBrands. Laurel Touby's is part of his collection. The boa-bedecked editrix reports breathlessly on Twitter that her boss has called the Semantic Web "the next stage of the Internet."

Unsettling Photo Ruins Friday Afternoon

Pareene · 01/23/09 05:52PM

This is your "soul-melting funny foto of the week," a terrifying morph from dumb old George W. Chimpy McHilter to President Hopey Hussein.