
The Three Most Vicious Lies About Celery

Mallory Ortberg · 01/26/13 02:12PM

Certain things cannot be borne. There are limits to what the people will put up with from its news outlets, and the Times' recent attempt to trick us all into eating celery goes beyond the confines of human decency.

The Sweet vs. Dill Relish Imbalance Is an Outrage

Hamilton Nolan · 01/15/13 01:10PM

Let's examine this issue calmly, one step at a time. People invented pickling thousands of years ago as a way to preserve perishable foods. The preservation comes from acidity. That's that classic sourish, pickly flavor. Americans consume more than 20 billion pickles a year. Most of those pickles are dill. Dill pickles are the most popular kind of pickles.

Brooklyn Man Kicked off Airplane for Swearing

Maureen O'Connor · 06/13/11 01:40PM

Sitting in an airplane on a tarmac in Detroit, lifelong Brooklynite Robert Sayegh turned to his seatmate and said, "What's taking so fucking long to close the overheard compartments?" Shortly thereafter, the pilot turned the airplane around. Police removed Sayegh from the plane for being "disruptive."

Texas Refuses to Compensate Man Wrongly Imprisoned for 18 Years

Richard Lawson · 02/16/11 12:04PM

The good news is that Anthony Graves was released from prison back in October after serving eighteen years on death row for a murder that prosecutors now say he had nothing to do with. Charges dropped, man freed, name cleared. Good things! The bad news is that Graves is now rightly seeking some financial compensation for the nearly two decades he spent in the Texas hoosegow, but the state comptroller's office is telling him and his lawyers no, because of a technicality.

It's A Cop-Shoot-Dog World Out There

Foster Kamer · 07/19/09 01:10PM

The most silent victims of crime busts: dogs. Poor pups get executed by rabid cops who shoot first, bark questions last. Now, Maryland cops have to report to the governor's office whenever they kill a pooch. [Daily Beast]