A 24-year-old UC San Diego engineering student has come forward with an unbelievable story about being forgotten inside a tiny, filthy DEA holding cell for five days following a drug raid.

Daniel Chong told NBC San Diego he was visiting a friend in University City on 4/20, when the apartment was raided by the DEA. Marijuana, mushrooms, some 18,000 ecstasy pills, weapons, and ammo were seized in the bust, per the official report.

Chong, who admits he was smoking marijuana, was transported to the DEA office in Kearny Mesa. There he was questioned and placed in a 5ft. by 10ft. holding cell despite being told he was free to leave.

According to Chong, he remained in that cell for five days.

"They never came back, ignored all my cries and I still don't know what happened," he told the TV station. "I'm not sure how they could forget me." Chong says he was forced to drink his own urine to keep hydrated, and ingested some methamphetamine he found to stay awake. "I had to do what I had to do to survive," he said.

By the third day, Chong was hallucinating and became suicidal, trying to take his own life with a shard he broke off his glasses with his teeth. By the fifth day, when the cell door finally opened, Chong's attorney Gene Iredale says his client was "completely incoherent."

Chong was taken to Sharp Hospital, where he remained for three days in the intensive care unit with near-failing kidneys. He still hasn't received an apology or explanation from the DEA, and says he missed his midterms and may not return to UCSD.

"The people in this particular case who are responsible should be held responsible civilly," said Iredale. "And if need be and it's appropriate, criminally."

[screengrab via NBC San Diego]