
Donald Trump to Propose Ideological Tests for Immigrants

Brendan O'Connor · 08/15/16 08:15AM

In a speech on Monday, Donald Trump is expected to propose the institution of a new, ideological test that immigrants to the United States would be required to take, the Associated Press reports, so as to determine their positions on social issues like religious freedom, gender equality and gay rights. In any case where it cannot perform adequate screenings, the U.S. would not issue a visa.

Hardline Anti-Immigration Reform Senator Jeff Sessions Endorses Trump

Brendan O'Connor · 02/28/16 06:12PM

On Sunday, Senator Jefferson (“Jeff”) Sessions endorsed Donald Trump during a campaign event in his home state of Alabama. Sessions is the upper chamber’s most strident opponent of immigration reform, and the first senator to endorse the billionaire real estate developer.

What's the Deal with the Immigration Reform Bill? A Guide

Max Read · 06/27/13 03:44PM

A comprehensive immigration reform bill just passed through the Senate, and you need to know what's in it (so you can most effectively fight with your old neighbor on Facebook). Here's your easy-to-understand guide to the Senate's bill and the current status of immigration reform.

Maggie Lange · 05/02/13 08:47AM

In an effort to be "fair, nuanced, and precise," the L.A. Times will "no longer refer to individuals as 'illegal immigrants' or 'undocumented immigrants,'" in favor of "describ[ing] a person's circumstances"