Two hours before forcing a shutdown, the House of Representatives agreed to a temporary funding deal for the Department of Homeland Security on Friday night, the Guardian reports. The deal will fund DHS for a week before we have to go through this whole thing all over again.

Earlier on Friday evening, more than 50 House Republicans turned on Speaker John Boehner and voted with Democrats against the initially proposed deal, which would only have extended DHS's funding for three weeks in the first place, according to the Guardian. Republicans broke ranks to punish Boehner for his capitulation to President Barack Obama's decision last year to introduce immigration reforms by executive action.

From the New York Times:

The speaker was rescued by Democrats, who supported his offer of a weeklong extension because they believed it would lead to a vote next week on full funding for the department through the fiscal year, without any provisions related to President Obama's executive actions on immigration included in the House's original legislation. A spokesman for Mr. Boehner said the speaker had made no promises or deals with House Democrats to guarantee such a vote.

The White House announced that the president signed the weeklong extension—passed by a vote of 357 to 60—about 10 minutes before funding was to expire at midnight, the Times reports.

"We should have never fought this battle," the Times quoted Senator Mark S. Kirk (R-Illinois) as saying. "In my view, in the long run, if you are blessed with the majority, you are blessed with the power to govern. If you're going to govern, you have to act responsibly."

[Photo credit: AP Images]