
Watch Parents Watching Their Kids Acting Like Fools at an EDM Festival

Rich Juzwiak · 02/27/14 03:25PM

Last night, the U.K.'s BBC Three aired a new show called Festivals, Sex and Suspicious Parents. It's a spin-off of the three-year-old Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents, in which parents spied on the idiotic behavior of their kids (in their late teens and early twenties) on holiday, as the Brits put it. MTV had a show like this called Parental Control, in which parents watched their kids go on dates, but ...Sex and Suspicious Parents is better because it's British and raunchier.

Evander Holyfield Spews Homophobic Bullshit, Is Just Doing His Job

Rich Juzwiak · 01/06/14 03:44PM

On last night's episode of the U.K.'s Celebrity Big Brother, heavyweight champ and Arthur remake actor Evander Holyfield said some barely intelligible nonsense about gay people, namely that homosexuality is a choice, like being "handicapped," and fixable.

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 12/14/13 11:31AM

New Yorkers beware: The writhing mass of douche that is SantaCon is happening right now. Don't engage with them. Don't approach them. And whatever you do, don't sit on their laps.

Tom Scocca · 10/24/13 02:55PM

A faux-"natural" mother brags about leaving her newborn attached for days to its placenta, which she wrapped in disgusting PCB-laden industrial synthetic plastic bags till it finally fell off. That "musty smell" is the Goddess dying of chemical poisoning, you monster.

The Stupidest Solution to the "Redskins" Controversy

Hamilton Nolan · 10/18/13 08:56AM

Charles Krauthammer is a conservative columnist with a permanent sourpuss etched into his self-impressed face. He is not a sports columnist, okay? Yet he has managed, quite impressively, to come up with the single most inane solution yet for the "Washington Redskins" name controversy.

Maine Governor: President Obama "Hates White People"

Cord Jefferson · 08/19/13 08:35PM

Loudmouth Maine Governor Paul LePage told a crowd gathered at a GOP fundraiser last week that President Obama "hates white people," according to two state lawmakers who where there.

Portland Asshole Threatens Disabled Voters with Anonymous Flyer

Cord Jefferson · 08/14/13 04:28PM

With all of the Portlandia-style hipster jokes emanating from the Pacific Northwest, it's easy to forget that the region is lousy with far-right lunatics. Case in point: A flyer being distributed around Portland neighborhoods threatening to post the names of people who receive government disability benefits.

George Zimmerman Juror B37 Hates Media, Called Trayvon "Boy of Color"

Hamilton Nolan · 07/15/13 12:03PM

A mere two days after finding George Zimmerman innocent of the murder of Trayvon Martin, juror B37 in the case has signed on with a prominent literary agent, as a prelude to a book deal. This juror is a woman who hates the media and went into the trial mistakenly believing there were "riots" over the case.

Hatetriot's Day: July 4th Is America's Crappiest Holiday

Ken Layne · 07/03/13 02:00PM

Independence Day is the worst of America's joyless national celebrations, the day when everyone will predictably act like a buffoon and nobody has the decency to Opt Out. From Park Slope to Silver Lake, from Phoenix to Saint Paul, the whole nation of grudge-laden bores will wrap themselves in the old Red, White and Blue in another futile attempt to out-patriot their enemies.