Commuters with regular routes past Cleveland's Second District police department will see something unusual this week: a middle-aged man standing in front of the department, holding a yellow sign proclaiming himself as an “idiot.”

Cleveland Muncipal Court Judge Pinkey Carr gave the usual punishment to Richard Dameron after the 58-year-old was busted for drunkenly calling 911 and threatening police officers. Dameron also missed a required court appearance.

“I apologize to officer Simone & all police officers for being an idiot calling 911 threatening to kill you. I'm sorry and it will not happen again,” the sign reads.

Carr ordered Dameron to wear the sign for three hours every day this week, starting on Monday. Dameron agreed with the sign's assessment of his behavior, telling WKYC that he had been drunk while making the calls.

“I was under the influence of alcohol, very deeply into it," he said. "We just got to rambling, acting like fools. I do feel bad about it, cause the man's never done nothing to me.”

This isn't the first time Judge Carr has handed down such a sentence. In November, she ordered 32-year-old Shena Hardin to wear an “idiot” sign for driving on a sidewalk to pass a school bus.

"Only an idiot would drive on the sidewalk to avoid a school bus,” Hardin's sign said.

[via New York Daily News]