
How to Fight Sexual Harassment in School

Hamilton Nolan · 11/07/11 01:19PM

Deplorable news from our nation's child warehouse system: kids these days are being sexually harassed, by kids these days. Kids these days! Sometimes we seriously consider carpet bombing to be our best adolescent behavior management strategy.

How to Use Your Cell Phone on the Subway

Brian Moylan · 09/22/11 03:58PM

Starting on Tuesday, cell phones will get reception at six subway stations on 14th Street, thereby ending the sweet, sweet silence on NYC's platforms. But just because you can use your phone doesn't mean you should. Here are some rules.

How to Poop at Work

Brian Moylan · 09/14/11 02:08PM

It's a sad inevitability. No matter how hard you try, how accurately you plan, how much you control what you eat, it's going to happen at some point: you will have to poop at work. It's where the biological meets the professional and it's always, pardon the expression, a shit show. Let's try to make it easier, shall we?

The Scathing Takedown Rules

Hamilton Nolan · 09/01/11 10:56AM

Sometimes—as freedom fighters from George Washington to Che Guevara would affirm—the words and deeds of a person become so intolerable the it becomes necessary to write a scathing takedown of them, on the internet. This is our world.

How to Remain Productive While Unemployed

Hamilton Nolan · 08/29/11 10:45AM

What's the main problem with the American economy? You, okay? You, and people like you. As an average drone, your job is very simple: you go to work, you make money, and then you spend all of that money on consumer products. Repeat until dead. But you can't even get that right.

How to Pose for the Perfect Mugshot

Brian Moylan · 08/17/11 03:24PM

As long as there have been celebrities, there have been celebrities getting arrested, and as long as there have been celebrities getting arrested, there have been celebrity mugshots. But what can we learn from them?

How to Celebrate 'Odd Day'

Lauri Apple · 07/09/11 03:25PM

Ron Gordon, a retired teacher from Redwood City, California, says we should celebrate today, 07/09/11, as "Odd Day," because it's "one of only six dates this century that features three consecutive odd numbers." He's even set up a website and a prize-money contest to celebrate.

How To Handle Rowdy Teens Without Shooting Them

Hamilton Nolan · 06/21/11 11:32AM

Thomas Dunikowski of Marine Park, Brooklyn, has become a folk hero of sorts among the "I really loved that movie Falling Down" demographic for leaning out of his window with a rifle and opening fire on a group of rowdy teenagers who were raising a ruckus outside his house. (See "purported" video of the shooting here.) Completely unnecessary! It is, in fact, possible to deal with the depths of teen awfulness without resorting to gunshots.

What Not to Do When Being Profiled by the Media

Hamilton Nolan · 06/13/11 11:15AM

Philippe Reines (pictured, at left) is Hillary Clinton's longtime adviser/ flack/ purse-toter. He's an inveterate gossip-spreader, self-promoter, and berater of reporters on behalf of his boss. And he loves to be recognized for his work! So the fact that Reines is profiled in the Washington Post today is not a surprise. What is a surprise: after all these years, Reines still has no idea how to not come off like an asshole.

How to Take a Dong Shot

Brian Moylan · 06/02/11 05:31PM

The most disappointing thing about Weinergate is the dick pic that Anthony Weiner may or may not have posted to Twitter. That thing was sad! But we're here to show you—er, explain—how it's done.

How to Respond to Media Criticism

Hamilton Nolan · 04/27/11 12:55PM

If you're a member of the media—and aren't we all, thanks to [platitude about Twitter]?—chances are that you're going to be the subject of some "media criticism" sooner or later. Will you let it destroy you? Why? Handling it like a pro is surprisingly easy!

How Not to Get Fooled on April Fools Day

Brian Moylan · 03/31/11 05:53PM

It's April 1st, the day when every office jokester and petty prankster thinks up some gags at your expense that they think will be hilarious. Well, not this year, jackass. Here's a guide on how not to fall for anything.

Learn How to Interpret Body Language

Marisa Gladstone · 03/29/11 04:35PM

"I am attune to a more celestial level then is present" equals "oh my god," according to this video that will teach you how to speak body language and succeed at every social interaction. Watch and learn, folks.

The Banksy Meme: How to Do a Graffiti Masterpiece

Leah Beckmann · 03/23/11 01:15PM

Interested in a career in graffiti? This how-to video carefully illustrates how to pick a successful code name, how to hone your craft, and where to gather inspiration.