
Cannibal Axe Murderer Wants to Ruin Oysters for You

Louis Peitzman · 01/29/12 11:48AM

Don't read this if you're really hungover, or are easily grossed out, or want to eat oysters ever again. I've never really cared for them which is why I'm comfortable writing this. OK, warning over.

Woman Killed in Freak Elevator Accident

Brian Moylan · 12/14/11 11:55AM

Imagine going to work in a Midtown office tower, trudging your way to a job you don't really like anymore, and while getting into the elevator as it shoots up in the air, crushing you against the ceiling, splitting your body in half, and killing you. Hell of a way to go.

'Kill Team' Ringleader Convicted of Murder

Seth Abramovitch · 11/11/11 01:58AM

It took the court martial jury four hours to find Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs guilty of murder in connection with the infamous "kill team" — a rogue Army unit that murdered unarmed Afghans, including a teenager, for sport.

War Vet Shoots Himself at Occupy Burlington

Seth Abramovitch · 11/11/11 12:49AM

First chaos struck, then tragedy at the Occupy Burlington encampment on Thursday afternoon, when a 35-year-old military veteran shot himself in the head and later died from his wounds. The victim's name was not yet released, but Daily Kos reports his first name was Josh.

Upside Down Rhino Was the Last of Its Kind

Seth Abramovitch · 11/10/11 01:42AM

We all gasped in amazement at photos of a black rhinoceros being airlifted upside down to an area of South Africa where it stood a better chance at reproducing. Inconceivably, a new report suggests there's no other rhinos for it to reproduce with.

Four Ohio Idiots Stuffed a Lion Carcass in Their Jeep

Seth Abramovitch · 11/09/11 03:05AM

It's been close to a month now since the world was captivated by the bizarre and tragic massacre of 49 exotic predators released from their Ohio compound and set loose into the general population. When three young locals, friends who gathered for a regular poker game, had heard the news, they instantly landed on the kind of dumb decision that could only be made amongst poker buddies after a few (or a lot) too many: They decided to check out the scene.

Arrests Made in Chinese Toddler Death

Lauri Apple · 10/23/11 04:20PM

Two people have been arrested for the hit-and-run death of Wang Yue, the Chinese two-year-old left to die in the street. No word on what the formal charges are; police used the now-infamous surveillance footage to identify the suspects. As much as we dislike how camera'ed up and Big Brothery our public spaces have become, we're glad this particular incident was captured on video. [Washington Post]

All the Ohio Animals Are Dead

Seth Abramovitch · 10/19/11 08:14PM

The most exciting thing to happen to Zanesville, Ohio, like, ever has ended in the tragic massacre of dozens of exotic predators, all of whom escaped into heavy rains last night from a local resident's private, 73-acre reserve. With the lifeless body of that man, Terry Thompson (pictured), lying near their open cages, and no arks docked in nearby Lake Erie, it left something of a mystery as to what exactly had happened.

Woman Allegedly Murdered Expecting Mother to Steal Baby

Max Read · 10/10/11 07:53PM

Annette Morales-Rodriguez of Milwaukee, Wisc., allegedly used techniques she learned from the Discovery Channel to perform a Cesarean section on a woman she'd abducted and murdered, in the hopes she could pass the woman's child off as her own.

Man Gouges Out His Eyes During Mass

Lauri Apple · 10/03/11 06:15AM

As if you needed another excuse to skip church: In Viareggio, Italy, 46-year-old Aldo Bianchini blinded himself and permanently scarred everyone else attending mass at Sant'Andrea church when, during the priest's sermon, he suddenly stood up, ripped his eyes right out of their sockets with his bare hands, then "collapsed to the floor in a pool of blood."

Civil Servant Accused of Kidnapping Six Women to Keep as 'Sex Slaves'

Max Read · 09/24/11 02:55PM

A Chinese civil servant has been arrested and accused of kidnapping six women from karaoke bars to imprison and keep as "sex slaves" a secret room he'd dug underneath a rented basement. So, naturally, the city government arrested a journalist who wrote about the story.