It took the court martial jury four hours to find Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs guilty of murder in connection with the infamous "kill team" — a rogue Army unit that murdered unarmed Afghans, including a teenager, for sport.

Gibbs, a 26-year-old, 6' 4" sociopath who removed fingers and teeth from his victims as keepsakes, was the highest ranking of five men charged in the death of the three men.

Soldiers repeatedly described Sergeant Gibbs as devising "scenarios" in which the unit would fake combat situations by detonating grenades or planting weapons near their victims. They said he even supplied "drop weapons" and grenades to make the victims appear armed. Some soldiers took pictures posing with the dead and took body parts as trophies. Sergeant Gibbs is accused of snipping fingers from victims and later using them to intimidate another soldier.

The jury found Gibbs guilty of "three counts of murder, of conspiring to commit murder and several other charges, including assaulting a fellow soldier and taking fingers and a tooth from the dead." He was sentenced to life in prison, but could be eligible for parole in less than 10 years. He "appeared stunned, his mouth open" when he heard the verdict. [NYT, Image via 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment]