
Chris Brown's New Tattoo: Definitely Ugly, Possibly of a Battered Woman (UPDATE)

Emma Carmichael · 09/11/12 11:35AM

Cute new tat, Breezy! Except that from far away, it looks a little bit like a smudge. And when you get closer, the smudge starts to look like a skeleton from Día de los Muertos. And then, when you get even closer, it really comes into focus: This appears to be a tattoo of a battered woman, one that might very well resemble the infamous, horrible photo taken of Rihanna's face soon after then-boyfriend Chris Brown beat her in a car.

Rich Person or Troll? The Perpetual UrbanBaby Riddle

Hamilton Nolan · 03/01/12 03:49PM

The message boards of UrbanBaby.com are home to some of the most self-loathing, wealthy, haughty, and miserable parents in all of America. Or are they? Even to our keen internet eyes, it is sometimes impossible to tell whether an UrbanBaby poster is a rich person, or a troll impersonating a rich person. Can you help?

Chris Brown and Rihanna to Collaborate On a Song

Leah Beckmann · 02/16/12 06:30PM

Rihanna is currently working on "Birthday Cake (Remix)," due out soon, and who better to feature on the track than Chris Brown. Forget that he once violently beat Rihanna, resulting in injuries police called "horrific," for there are Birthday Cakes to remix.

Take a Tour of Donald Trump's Horribly Gaudy New Jet

Brian Moylan · 08/18/11 02:57PM

Donald Trump bought himself a gold-plated 757 so that he can cruise around the country and pretend like he's running for president in a desperate attempt to remain in the spotlight. Knowing how much everyone in America cares about the details of his private air fleet, Trump posted a video tour of the monstrosity on YouTube. Let's check it out.

The Racist and Homophobic Yard Sale Posting You Won't Believe

Brian Moylan · 07/18/11 12:53PM

Imagine a bargain hunter's shock and dismay when responding to an ad on Craigslist listing a bunch of possessions for sale and then receiving an email announcing that gay people, Muslims, and illegal immigrants aren't allowed to purchase the wares. Read it for yourself.

Michele Bachmann in Her Own Words: 'Gays Are Part of Satan'

Seth Abramovitch · 07/13/11 12:29AM

We know where Michele Bachmann stands on heterosexuality: She's very for it! At least according to the binding contract she recently signed with Jesus, in which marriage was explicitly defined as being "between one man and one woman." We also know where her husband, Marcus Bachmann, falls on the topic of homosexuality: He's firmly against it! So against, in fact, that he runs a small gay exorcism business, despite he himself being seemingly possessed by the demonic spirit of an off-duty drag queen named Big Mama. But where does Mrs. Bachmann stand on homosexuality?