Imagine a bargain hunter's shock and dismay when responding to an ad on Craigslist listing a bunch of possessions for sale and then receiving an email announcing that gay people, Muslims, and illegal immigrants aren't allowed to purchase the wares. Read it for yourself.

Our tipster, who lives in the D.C. area, responded to an ad on Craigslist, which has since been taken down, expressing interest in one of the items for sale. He received this mass email response peppered with casual racism and homophobia. I've highlighted the worst parts, but the whole thing is really amazingly awful.


i have been a bit overwhelmed by the response, so have devised an easier way to disseminate information and pix of the items for sale for all of you who have contacted me. i've set up a publicly accessible facebook photo album for items for sale. please post any questions you have on the facebook page, this way you will also know if someone else has already expressed interest in an item and at what price or if the item is sold, as i will mark it so.

additionally, there will be a garage sale this sunday, 17 july 2011 from 11am - 7pm,
for the items already pictured in the album and more. photos will continue to be added via the mobile pix facebook album, so please also check there as internet access has already been disconnected in the home and it's the only way to upload quickly and easily. all are welcome to the moving sale / garage sale except for LGBT people, illegal immigrants, and muslims, anyone else is warmly welcomed! no drama, terrorism, or illegal transactions with non-US citizens / illegal immigrants / people taking jobs away from people who belong and are legal in this country is desired. thanks.

email me on facebook to receive the address of this house which is located in the woodlea manor sub-division in leesburg, virginia - located conveniently off of route 15 south and less than 5 minutes from downtown leesburg.

the comments section on the photos is open to everyone on facebook, so please do not reply here and ONLY reply on facebook, i will only respond via the facebook site.

here is the moving sale photo album link containing several pix of items for sale:…

mobile uploads folder, where i can easily upload any requested pix of additional items for sale:…

if there are any real estate investors among you, please be advised the house is also for sale and i will be adding additional photos to this album:…

-the minimum bid for this house starts at 440K plus an additional 5% which goes to the commissioner of sale. if the house does not sell in the next couple of weeks, it will be auctioned on the court house steps with the same minimum bid as the starting point. interested parties who would like to arrange a viewing of the house, etc. should contact the commissioner of sale, [redacted] at 703.777.[redacted] to set up an appointment. this is not a distressed sale, the house is not in foreclosure or anything like that, it is a contentious sale due to a happy divorce and the judge finally ordered the house be sold this way! :)

thank you for your interest!

According to our tipster, another ad was placed on Craigslist and a garage sale website with the offensive disclaimer about who this hatemonger would and wouldn't sell to, but both were removed after people complained about the content. Our tipster, a gay man, also sent a response to the email asking in part, "In what way does someone's sexual orientation or religion affect their ability to buy some crap out of your tacky Leesburg mcmansion," and got this response.

i have gay friends, but i don't need that kind of unknown drama element around me as i know how it can be at times. no thanks. just like i don't want someone drunk or on drugs at the sale. homosexuality is a sin and i won't stack up your sin against mine, but i can choose the type of people to whom my belongings will end up with ... and what i'm supporting with that action. i cannot support homosexuality bc i feel it robs true soul mates from being with one another. nature / God / whatever one may believe intended one man for one woman. period. jmho. don't hate me, i tolerate that these things exist ... the only thing i have no tolerance for is islam ... which, i would hope as a gay man you would also not tolerate (since they think all of you should be killed and i think that is WRONG).


Is this woman even mentally stable, or is this all a big joke or something? Maybe she's really upset because some gay people stole the shift key off her computer and she can no longer type capital letters? But it's incredible how she manages to express her distaste for homosexuality in one breath and then try to recruit the homosexuals in her crusade against Muslims in another. It's probably best that I'm not welcome at this lady's garage sale, since I wouldn't want to give her my money anyway.