
Park Slope Food Coop Menaced by Hooker Dog Thief

Remy Stern · 09/30/10 07:48PM

There are a lot of things one expects to see on the community bulletin board inside the Park Slope Food Coop: Ads for babysitters, ads for book groups, announcements of boycotts, announcements of counter-boycotts. Not usually on the list, however, is a handmade sign shouting "I hired a hooker and she stole my dog!!!! Waahhhh!!!"

World Cup Fans Chose Museums Over Hookers

Jeff Neumann · 07/10/10 10:20AM

Prior to the World Cup, officials in South Africa were bracing for an influx of up to 40,000 prostitutes to handle horny soccer fans. But the need never materialized, with visitors largely choosing "cultural" activities, like art museums, instead.