
Israeli Prime Minister: Okay But The Holocaust Wasn't Totally Hitler's Fault

Ashley Feinberg · 10/21/15 09:52AM

In an address to the World Zionist Congress in Jerusalem yesterday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided it might be a good idea to partially absolve Hitler of responsibility for the systematic genocide of six million Jews. In doing so, Netanyahu parroted an idea that has since been widely rejected by the vast majority of historians.

Come Enjoy Auschwitz’s Nice, Refreshing Showers, Says Auschwitz

Ashley Feinberg · 08/31/15 03:36PM

Visitors to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp are in for a treat, is apparently what museum management was thinking with their most recent purchase: a brand new outdoor shower sprinkler (at Auschwitz). After all, who wouldn’t love a nice, refreshing shower (at Auschwitz)? The answer, of course, is everyone.

Crossfit Exceptionalism Finally Meets The Holocaust

Jordan Sargent · 08/10/15 04:28PM

There are few things as funny as crazed Crossfit evangelism. There are also few things as funny as someone doing something dumb and narcissistic at a war memorial. This weekend, the two finally and inevitably met, when famous Crossfit evangelist Dave Driskell did a handstand on top of the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin.

Sarah Hedgecock · 04/28/14 09:47AM

Israeli motorists stand next to their cars on a freeway as a two-minute siren sounds in memory of victims of the Holocaust in Tel Aviv, Israel, on Monday, which is Holocaust Remembrance Day. Image via Ariel Schalit/AP.

Christians Try to Convert Jews With Video of Jesus as Holocaust Victim

Adam Weinstein · 04/18/14 03:45PM

Happy Passover! Here's "That Jew Died for You," a bizarre video depicting Jesus on his way to a gas chamber in a Nazi death camp with some Polish Jews. It comes from Jews for Jesus, an evangelical group that aims to convert Hebrews in apparently the most off-putting way possible.

Mormon Church to Members: Quit Baptizing Dead Jews

Louis Peitzman · 03/03/12 10:36AM

Researcher and ex-Mormon Helen Radkey raised some eyebrows when she reported that a Mormon temple in Idaho had baptized deceased Jewish reporter Daniel Pearl. But it doesn't stop there. Radkey also discovered posthumous baptisms of Anne Frank and Holocaust survivor Simon Wiesenthal's family. Needless to say, the Jewish community isn't thrilled, and the Mormon higher-ups have been forced to take action. (Read: they sent out a letter.)