
Hugo Boss Apologizes For Making Nazis Look Fabulous

Seth Abramovitch · 09/22/11 09:14PM

German fashion label Hugo Boss issued a formal apology for that little blip on its resume — the one about them outfitting millions of Nazi soldiers. The acknowledgement comes on the clicked heels of a new book about the company, commissioned by Hugo Boss themselves in order to shed some light on the era.

Making Lobbyists Wear Badges: The New Holocaust?

Jim Newell · 07/01/11 01:18PM

In an effort to tweak its ethics rules following a spate of corruption, the Massachusetts House is considering among other things a requirement that lobbyists wear ID badges in the statehouse if they're "seeking access to House members or staff." This doesn't seem controversial. Then again, maybe it's the Holocaust?

It's Getting Harder For Companies to Run From Their Nazi Pasts

Seth Abramovitch · 05/19/11 09:28PM

You know that Volkswagen you're driving? Hitler founded the company. You know that Hugo Boss suit you're wearing? His ads once touted, "Supplier for Nazi uniforms since 1924." Nazi stuff! Right under our noses! A new piece of legislation — from Maryland, of all places — would make sweeping that information under the carpet a crime.

Bachmann Puts Asterisks on Health Care Vote and the Holocaust

Lauri Apple · 05/01/11 12:47PM

Minnesota's top Tea Party hostess Michele Bachmann skipped Sunday brunch to go on television and discuss how she feels about the Republican party's plan to take away Medicare from America's Olds. Surprisingly, she's not totally down with it, and is using punctuation to let everybody know.

Did Lisa Lampanelli's Jokes at the David Hasselhoff Roast Go Too Far?

Matt Cherette · 08/15/10 10:55PM

Tonight, Comedy Central aired its roast of David Hasselhoff. And while roasts are known for offensive humor, Lisa Lampanelli may have gone a bit far, with jokes about the holocaust, blacks, Roger Ebert's cancer, Haiti, the oil spill, and more.

Nazis Came From Apes: Pope Ratzi's Busy 2009

Pareene · 02/11/09 01:44PM

Joseph Ratzinger's settled in as pope now, and he's really getting down to business with the crazy this year. What's he been up to and how will affect you?

Pope Reinstates Holocaust-Denying Bishop

Ryan Tate · 01/25/09 10:32PM

Now that American Muslims have been thoroughly demonized in the last presidential election, Pope Benedict XVI seems keen to open another religious rift, between Catholics and Jews.

There Are Too Many Damn Holocaust Movies

Richard Lawson · 12/08/08 10:28AM

Remember when you were in like sixth grade and your teacher asked you to read Number the Stars and you quietly thought to yourself, "jeez Louise, how many of these Holocaust books are there?" and then you felt terrible and never said anything to anyone? Well I do, and Page Six certainly does! They did a bit today about how there are just so many Holocaust movies this winter. There are a lot!

Holocaust Porn! (And Other Taboos)

Pareene · 04/09/08 11:32AM

Opening today at New York's Film Forum: Stalags, a new documentary about pornographic paperbacks that were quite popular in Israel in the 1960s. They took place in Nazi concentration camps. They were full of pervy sado-masochism. They made the Holocaust sound like kinky fun. They were written by, and for, Israeli Jews, under American-sounding pseudonyms. The books were all about male prisoners being raped and tortured by "curvaceous female Nazi guards." The film argues that they perhaps helped Israeli Jews "discuss" the Holocaust for the first time since the war ended. So: Holocaust porn, for Holocaust survivors. Surely this beats cancer jokes for uncomfortable discussion topics. How does it stand up against American Marines killing puppies? What does it mean that as a culture it took us almost a decade longer to laugh about the Holocaust than to jerk off to it? [NYT]

Rudy Giuliani: New York's Own Oskar Schindler

Pareene · 12/12/07 12:50PM

Much as Peter denied Jesus three times, so do some anti-American types deny Rudy Giuliani. Specifically, they deny that HE AND HE ALONE was personally responsible for making New York livable (fun fact: the only people who lived in New York before Rudy were criminals and victims of criminals, most of whom were also criminals) and for saving the entire world on 9/11 by walking uptown with some tv cameras and shooting down that one plane in Pennsylvania that was headed for a school full of orphan children learning to be firefighters. And like Peter, the deniers will die a glorious martyr's death in the inevitable Giuliani presidency. Or so we've gleaned from watching this clip of Joe Scarborough compare criticizing Giuliani's inflated record with denying the Holocaust.

Scarborough Likens "Holocaust Deniers" To "Giuliani Deniers" [HuffPo]