
Watch Susan Boyle's Disastrous Performance on The View

Matt Cherette · 11/30/10 04:06PM

Today, Susan Boyle performed "O Holy Night" on The View. About 30 seconds into the performance, Boyle's voice cracked so badly that she was forced to cut it short, before Sherri Shepherd and Whoopi Goldberg awkwardly danced around the debacle.

Alec Baldwin's Cameo in Wegmans' New Holiday Commercials

Matt Cherette · 11/18/10 05:31PM

Wegmans—yes, the supermarket—has a couple of new holiday-themed commercials out! That's not shocking. What is a bit surprising, however, is the fact that they feature Alec Baldwin as a pie/meal-buying... TV star? Anyway, both 30-second spots are inside.

Christmas Looking More Godless Than Ever

Hamilton Nolan · 11/10/10 11:03AM

The annual godless atheist humanist War on Christmas starts just as early as the Corporate American Christmas Season, and with equal fervor. For at least the third straight year, atheists have chosen to assault god-fearing Americans, with advertisements. Godless advertisements.

Google's Free Wi-Fi Promises to End Airplane Tranquility

Ryan Tate · 11/08/10 01:35PM

Remember how you used to have a few hours of airplane peace before handling crushing family holiday obligations? Google has taken care of that for you again this year, bringing back its free airline Wi-Fi.

You're Not Getting Anything Good for Christmas This Year

Richard Lawson · 10/06/10 12:07PM

As America's Second Great Depression wears on and the Christmas season approaceth, it's time to think about present budgeting, even for the nation's top 10% of wealth. They've settled on a spending figure, and it's even lower than last year.