
Polacks vs. Hipsters: IT'S ON

Doree Shafrir · 12/08/06 01:45PM

Wonder how our fave Greenpoint gentrifier, Haverford alum David Langlieb, feels about those damn Polacks' latest efforts to rain on his gentrification parade. At a meeting last week about concerts in McCarren Pool, neighborhood activists, some of whom weren't even Polish, ganged up on a Parks Department representative over last year's indie-rock-heavy lineup, "a problem he hoped would be solved through outreach to Colombian pop and Polish music promoters." But some activists were not to be mollified:

Get Used To Hearing About Beatrice Inn Way Too Much

Emily Gould · 11/07/06 03:15PM

"The whole idea behind the bar-restaurant is bringing things back to NYC, like American and New York things." That's Paul Sevigny (who probably resents that he needs to be formally identified as Chlo 's brother first, member of A.R.E. Weapons second), discussing his new, so topsecretshhhh! bar-restaurant with Grub Street's resident Gawker Hottie, Daniel Maurer. The old Beatrice Inn was a crappy Italian restaurant, beloved of old-school (okay, maybe just 'old') West Villagers for its quietness and unpretentiousness — the very attributes, of course, that Sevigny's revamp is stripping away. To wit: a party for Courtney Love has already been thrown there. The menu includes old-school favorites and cutesy nods to Newyorkania like a vanilla vodka egg cream. Long story short? Suggest it, not La Esquina or Freeman's, to friends who you're desperately trying to convince that you're cooler than you actually are.

Defining 'Hipster'

sUKi · 10/27/06 12:50PM

Last night, we received a screenshot of On The Fly, an online merchant targeting men who apparently don't know what they want and/or who they are. One distinctive feature of the site is the ability to shop by "lifestyle", and of course, one of the lifestyles you can choose from is "Hipster".

Look Homeward, Hipsters

Chris Mohney · 10/23/06 12:10PM

We didn't have the heart to post this entire flyer, so if you must know further details, go here. The festivities are on Tuesday night, and the locale is — wait for it — Williamsburg. Expect Wiley to launch its new ... For Hipsters guidebook series in early 2007.

Hipsters: So Over Fitness Already

sUKi · 10/20/06 08:50AM

Early in the summer, we reported the imminent opening of Ludlow Fitness in the heart of the Lower East Side. LES residents were peppered with flyers offering discounted memberships and anyone walking past the corner of Ludlow and Delancey Streets was met with sales pitches from the card tables set up in front of the future site of the gym.

Hell House Harshes Hipsters

Chris Mohney · 10/09/06 04:40PM

Some of us round here happen to hail from parts of the country where the "Hell Houses" — i.e. scared-straight parades of theological horrors put on by evangelical Christians — are openly staged without a trace of irony. And of course, many people have seen the documentary. Even so, we were at first not much intrigued with the Hell House starting up in DUMBO by the experimental theater company Les Freres Corbusier. It's an ostensibly earnest theatrical treatment, created in full cooperation with the originators of the genre. However, this version does have at least one selling point:

Princess Coldstare's Secret Diary

Jessica · 10/09/06 11:20AM

The strangest piece of unsolicited information landed in the mailbag, and apropos nothing we'll share it with you: Earlier this year, Princess Coldstare — otherwise known as Leigh Lezark, Cathy Horyn's heir to Edie Sedgwick and the third leg of the hipster press-whore DJ collective Misshapes — had, for at least one entry, a blog. She doesn't just promote or pose, people! She blogs! She's that cutting edge!

Blue States Lose: Are You the Keymaster?

Alex Blagg · 10/06/06 12:50PM

It's a gloomy Friday, your hangover amplified by gray skies and a shit-it's-really-fall chill in the air. Other than a Bloody Mary, there's only one thing to lift your spirits, and that's making fun of dumbass hipsters. And so it's time for Blue States Lose, wherein we look at the heartbreaking photos on The Cobrasnake, Last Night’s Party, Misshapes, and Ambrel so you don't have to. After the jump, Alex Blagg panics! at! the! disco!

Next, Gus's Pickles for AG Jeans

Jessica · 10/02/06 01:30PM

"You know what you should be thinking? Think Lower East Side. No, hear me out: A year ago, it used to be totally dirty and unsafe, but now there's a Starbucks and some shops that were listed in Lucky and even an all-organic boutique, so it's okay to go down there. Yeah, yeah, there are still some Asians running around, but they'll work at the new hotel or something. But that's not what I'm saying, man — I'm saying that the place is perfect, you know? There's life in that area, real characters running around, real grit and dirt but not, like, so dirty that we can't take the models down there. No, seriously, I've found this totally retro tenement where we can shoot. It's a fifth-floor walkup, but once you get up there, it's worth it 'cause it's, like, so fucking real. We'll even grab a local and throw 'em in there. Shit, this campaign is going to MAKE US. Totally street, totally DKNY."

Blue States Lose: Bomb NYC Hard

Alex Blagg · 09/22/06 12:30PM

The seasons may be changing and the leaves are about to turn, but fucktard hipsters are evergreen. Join us, then, in appreciating these marvels of nature with Blue State Lose, wherein we sift through the photos on The Cobrasnake, Last Night’s Party, Misshapes, and Ambrel so you don't have to. After the jump, Alex Blagg talks about how the new My Chemical Romance album "really is good."

Remainders: Bedtime for Baby Lefty

Jessica · 09/20/06 06:05PM

• If you want to win in the end, you've got to indoctrinate them when they're young. [LittleDemocrats]
• Whitney Houston's sober, and you've got Courtney Love to thank for it. Now just imagine how that all came about. [Idolator]
• Why in the name of God is Men's Vogue hosting a slideshow of Francesco Vezzoli's Caligula? This really doesn't help their case. [Men's Vogue]
• The New Yorker pacifies toddlers and puts to sleep people of all ages. [Flickr]
• Giorgio Armani designs tomorrow's issue of the Independent, affectionately called the Red Issue. Just like his skin. [Independent]
• Only hipsters would upload a video with puppets singing about hipsters. [Animal]
Murray's Hill: an imagined sitcom with music by the Fray, sponsored by Sparks. [Leveraged Sellout]
• Kanye West is many things to many people. Many Gay things. [One D at a Time]
Jane editor Brandon Holley abandons punk roots, gets engaged. Mazel tov, ya sellout! [FishbowlNY]
• Sad news for fans of excellent British automotive television: Top Gear's Richard Hammond has been in a car accident. At 280 MPH. [Jalopnik]