
Trump Literally Fails to Cover Up His Antisemitism on Twitter

Hannah Gold · 07/02/16 11:46AM

Republican presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump tweeted a picture of presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton featuring a pile of money and the words “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!” inside a Star of David, on Saturday.

"We Don't Know Anything About Hillary in Terms of Religion," Says Donald Trump

Andy Cush · 06/21/16 02:13PM

Hillary Clinton is a Methodist Christian. She grew up in a Methodist household, and taught adult Sunday school classes at her parish long before becoming first lady. This information is extremely easy to find, such as by typing “Hillary Clinton religion” into the search engine of your choice and pressing Enter on your keyboard. Despite this, Donald Trump seems to think his competitor’s religious affiliation are still up for debate.

Donald Trump's Man on Wall Street Explains Himself

Hamilton Nolan · 06/20/16 10:05AM

If Donald Trump wants to win the presidency, he’ll need to raise a lot of money. One of the men helping him do that is the hedge fund manager Anthony Scaramucci. We asked him why.