
Flirts Lady

Brian Moylan · 03/24/10 05:52PM

[Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Pakistani Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi practically need to get a room as this series of photos, taken at a press briefing at the Department of State today, attests. Image via Getty]

Joe Biden's Gaffes: A Foot-in-Mouth Chronology

Mike Byhoff · 03/24/10 11:50AM

After the health care bill became the health care law yesterday, Joe Biden dropped an f-bomb heard 'round the world. However, this was one of Biden's least egregious gaffes as it was accidental. The others are just PR nightmares.

cityfile · 01/29/10 03:36PM

• Sundance was a lower-key affair this year thanks to the economy. [WWD]
• Layoffs: Rumor has it The Weinstein Co. cut as many as 30 staffers today. And a big round of layoffs could come to CBS next week. [Gawker, LAT]
• The Vancouver Olympics could cost NBC as much as $250 million. [THR]
Keith Olbermann's ratings are down. Guess there are only so many times you can call Bill O'Reilly the worst person in the world before it gets old. [DF]
BusinessWeek continues to staff up. Eric Pooley (formerly of Fortune) and New York's Hugo Lindgren are joining the Bloomberg-owned mag. [TW, TBM]
• Could a Catcher in the Rye be coming soon? Don't hold your breath. [LAT]
• Does Rudy Giuliani make stuff up every time he appears on TV? Yes. [NYT]
Mort Zuckerman says Rupert Murdoch's plan to launch a local edition of the Journal is a "brilliant move." Translation: Extra competition for the New York Times is a good thing, especially when someone else is paying for it. [Forbes]
• The Grammy Awards go down on CBS on Sunday night. [NYT]
George Stephanopoulos and Hillary Clinton are related? Apparently so. [AP]

China Responds to Calls for Internet 'Freedom'

Ravi Somaiya · 01/22/10 08:33AM

Google, and then Hillary Clinton, called on China to stop censoring the web and open a transparent investigation into all the hacking that's been emanating from the country. They responded this morning, in a way that was not entirely warm.