
Fox & Friends Aggregates Gawker

J.K. Trotter · 02/11/16 02:36PM

Today’s episode of Fox News’ early morning variety hour, Fox & Friends, featured Gawker’s recent post about the ways in which Hillary Clinton’s press operation bends reporters to their will. You can watch Steve Doocy interview Judge Andrew Napolitano about the emails we published on Tuesday above.

Hillary Clinton Wants Hillary Clinton Out of Politics

Ashley Feinberg · 02/09/16 10:05PM

In tonight’s concession speech, Hillary Clinton made grand declarations of her desire to get all the dirty money and secret Wall Street influence the hell out of politics. Which is to say, Hillary Clinton really wants Hillary Clinton out of politics.

The Clinton Campaign Expected to Get Trounced in New Hampshire, Isn't Worried About It

Brendan O'Connor · 02/09/16 09:00PM

Not long after it became abundantly clear that Bernie Sanders would handily win Tuesday’s primary, in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, released a memo to “interested parties” explaining very deliberately and carefully why the former Secretary of State has nothing to worry about, nothing at all.

Hillary Clinton Has a Big Honking Goldman Sachs Problem

J.K. Trotter · 02/09/16 04:05PM

Since the beginning of her campaign last year, Hillary Clinton has steadfastly refused to disclose what exactly she said during the speeches she gave at several large banks, including three at Goldman Sachs, after her tenure as Secretary of State. Attendees of two of those Goldman speeches, both of which took place in October 2013, are now hinting at why Clinton has been so reticent. As one attendee explained to Ben White at Politico:

This Is How Hillary Clinton Gets the Coverage She Wants

J.K. Trotter · 02/09/16 01:07PM

Hillary Clinton’s supporters often argue that mainstream political reporters are incapable of covering her positively—or even fairly. While it may be true that the political press doesn’t always write exactly what Clinton would like, emails recently obtained by Gawker offer a case study in how her prodigious and sophisticated press operation manipulates reporters into amplifying her desired message—in this case, down to the very word that The Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder used to describe an important policy speech.

Unlike Bernie, Hillary Went to Flint Instead of SNL (Because She Already Did SNL)

Ashley Feinberg · 02/08/16 05:40PM

Recent Flint visitor Hillary Clinton really wants you to know that Hillary Clinton (who was recently in Flint) cares a lot about the fact that she was, quite recently, in Flint (Michigan). More specifically, she wants you to know that she was not off mugging it up for SNL like some other candidates we know.

Bill Fucking Clinton Accuses Bernie Supporters of Sexism

Allie Jones · 02/08/16 12:15PM

Bill Clinton has decided to start attacking his wife’s opponent for the Democratic nomination for president, since that worked so well eight years ago. At a rally in New Hampshire on Sunday, Bill mocked Bernie Sanders’s desire for “revolution” and accused Sanders supporters of sexism.

Hillary Clinton Has a Henry Kissinger Problem

Alex Pareene · 02/05/16 11:46AM

At last night’s Democratic debate between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton invoked an unexpected figure: Henry Kissinger. “I was very flattered when Henry Kissinger said I ran the State Department better than anybody had run it in a long time,” she said, in an off-hand aside. It wasn’t an endorsement of Kissinger, or really much of anything. It was just a little brag that would have played well in a different room.

What Is a BernieBro?

J.K. Trotter · 02/04/16 11:58AM

You may have heard the term “BernieBro” being thrown around on Facebook and Twitter lately, usually during discussions about the candidacy of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. Robinson Meyer of The Atlantic invented the term late last year, in an article describing what he saw as a collection of conversational and argumentative tics frequently exhibited by Sanders’ supporters (“The Berniebro talks a lot about DC insiders”; “The Berniebro knows the media is complicit in keeping Clinton the Democratic front-runner”) but he didn’t settle on a concrete definition. So what is a BernieBro? Language is a malleable thing, so for now we’ll defer to the definitions laid down by other outlets. Here’s what we know about the BernieBro so far:

Clinton and Sanders Stand Side by Side, Screaming Into Void

Andy Cush · 02/03/16 06:17PM

For a while this afternoon, the people running the respective social media accounts of Hillary Clinton and Bernie sanders tweeted some things about each other’s candidate of choice. A small number of people saw them and were amused or irritated, but most people didn’t. None of it will make any difference on February 9, or Super Tuesday, or tomorrow.