
Hillary Clinton Once Had a Cat Named Isis

Ashley Feinberg · 02/25/16 02:35PM

In Hillary Rodham Clinton’s 2003 memoir, Living History, she chronicles both her time as First Lady and the journey she took along the way. A journey that apparently included a deep, personal friendship with none other than Isis...

A Guide to the Right Wing's Hillary Clinton Health Conspiracy Theories

Allie Jones · 02/23/16 01:42PM

As Hillary Clinton’s path to the nomination becomes clearer, our favorite right-wingers have doubled down on the conspiracy theory that she has been—secretly—in exceedingly poor health since she suffered a concussion in 2012. What exactly wrong with her? You would not believe how many things.

Which Reporter Has Copies of Hillary Clinton’s Secret Goldman Sachs Speeches?

J.K. Trotter · 02/22/16 12:15PM

In defiance of her supporters’ wishes, her critics’ open calls, and even her own promises, Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton continues to block the publication of transcripts from the speeches she gave to several banks, including Goldman Sachs and Bank of America, in 2013 and 2014. According to MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski, however, Clinton may no longer have much of a choice.

Let's Hear the Better Proposals 

Hamilton Nolan · 02/17/16 02:55PM

One of the most persistent and least useful arguments of this presidential campaign season is taking place among Democrats who (mostly) talk past one another about how economic inequality and racial inequality are or are not linked. Does someone have a good proposal? Let’s hear it.

Jeb Bush Is Not Well

Ashley Feinberg · 02/17/16 10:44AM

If you’ll recall, a few days ago, Hillary Clinton barked like dog in an effort to mimic the Republican party. Now, Jeb Bush is mimicking Hillary mimicking the Republican party by doing—well, this.

My Conflict

Tom Scocca · 02/15/16 04:10PM

Disclosure: From roughly 2000 through 2008, half or more of my household income came from my wife’s direct employment with Bill or Hillary Clinton. Toward the end of Bill Clinton’s presidency, she worked at the White House Domestic Policy Council; after that, she became a legislative aide working on health policy in the newly opened office of Hillary Clinton in the Senate; finally she worked for the Clinton Foundation, establishing its HIV/AIDS program in China.

Attention Bernie Bros: Woo a Hillary Voter With These Exclusive Printable Valentines

Ashley Feinberg and Allie Jones · 02/12/16 05:15PM

Like so many trash fires fueled by a mix of paper-thin arguments and Bengay, the race for the Democratic nomination for president is heating up. Online discussions between so-called Bernie Bros and Hillary Bots have thus far been characterized by condescension, profanity, and just generally being insufferable. But perhaps Valentine’s Day could turn the tides...toward love.

Moderator Accidentally Whispers “Oh God” Into Mic When Bernie Brings Up Vietnam [Updated]

Ashley Feinberg · 02/11/16 11:11PM

[Update: PBS says the moderator was responding to a producer, not making an editorial comment. Their statement is appended below.] Following an otherwise lackluster (if not borderline uncomfortable) attempt at discussing foreign policy, Bernie Sanders moved to something he actually could speak confidently about: Hillary Clinton’s bizarre Kissinger boast. But as Sanders opened with a Vietnam reference, one of the debate’s moderators—apparently unaware her mic was still on—could be heard sighing in the background, “Oh, god.”

Hillary Clinton Leaves Open Possibility That Women Who Don’t Vote for Her Are Going to Hell

Ashley Feinberg · 02/11/16 10:06PM

Right off the bat at tonight’s Democratic debate (surprise! there’s another debate), Hillary Clinton was pressed about some of her more staunch supporters’ recent claims. Specifically, Clinton was asked whether she, too, believes that women who don’t vote for her may be destined for hell. The only thing Hillary needed to say was “no.” Hillary, however, did not say “no.”