A new batch of Hillary Clinton’s emails was unceremoniously dumped into the world on Saturday, totaling 1,000 pages and containing a group of ominously-classified “secret” messages.

The State Department released 551 emails from Clinton’s personal server, 84 of which contained messages that had been deemed classified and were partially or entirely censored, and with three of those were classified as “secret”—the highest classification level the State Department can use.

The New York Times reports that the messages dealt with sensitive foreign policy issues:

Each of the secret emails included Mrs. Clinton’s comments atop forwarded chains of messages discussing tensions on the Sinai Peninsula; a visit by John Kerry to Pakistan in the wake of Osama bin Laden’s death; and sensitive, back-channel talks between the Israelis and Palestinians.

The release comes after a federal judge ordered the Democratic presidential candidate to do so before the upcoming primaries and caucuses, saying that the information revealed in them could be relevant to Democratic voters.

Other revelations in the emails include Clinton’s wanton and frankly unnecessary use of the smiley face:

And, of course, Clinton’s old buddy Henry Kissinger asking to hang out.

[Image via Getty]

Contact the author at melissa.cronin@gawker.com.