
College Professors Demand Right to Be Mean

Hamilton Nolan · 03/26/12 12:50PM

A new "behavioural capability framework" proposed by the administration at RMIT University in Australia would require professors to be "positive" and "optimistic," as a rule. It would mandate niceness, in academia.

It Is Now Completely Clear to Everyone That Law School Is for Suckers

Hamilton Nolan · 03/20/12 09:38AM

We must admit that we will never ever tire of directing your attention to the accumulation of evidence that "law school" is, by and large, a massive fraud perpetrated upon society's most overacquisitive young driftabouts, and one whose effect is to turn out a massive class of highly indebted functionaries whose skill set is not only undeveloped to the point of worthlessness, but that, when developed, is, for the most part, detrimental to the function of justice. The fact that law school's popularity is crumbling away as the magnitude of the systemic scam becomes ever more apparent can only be taken as a redeeming ray of hope for the future of our nation's collective critical thinking skills.

College to Charge Extra for Deluxe Classes Like 'English' and 'Math'

Hamilton Nolan · 03/14/12 08:30AM

Santa Monica College is an absolutely god damn humongous community college in California. They have a problem faced by many such institutions these days: no money$$$ from their broke-ass state government, and one bazillion kids trying to get in, because everyone is poor and shit these days. How to take advantage of one of these problems to solve the other? Charge more money$$$, for the "good" classes!

How to Get Into a Good College Now

Hamilton Nolan · 03/08/12 10:55AM

Not long ago, getting into college involved nothing more than a fair-to-middling G.P.A., an essay about reading to the blind, and your parents' checkbook. Things are a bit more complicated now. College budgets are being slashed. Competition is intense. So intense that kids are starting the "college hunt" in ninth grade. Are you really prepared? You're about to be.

Fancy Rich Kids Expect Community College to Not Suck

Hamilton Nolan · 02/27/12 11:55AM

Used to be that community college was only for regular folks. The rich folks sent their kids to regular four-year colleges, unless their kids were major fuck-ups. You know who I'm talking about. But ever since the economy crashed and community colleges became competitive and the traditional middle class of colleges died off, even regular rich kids are showing up in community colleges. And, outrageously, they expect their school not to suck.

Self Esteem Is Making Your Children Weak and Dumb

Hamilton Nolan · 01/16/12 03:56PM

There was a brief period in the history of human development in which it was imagined that making children "feel good" about themselves would have a positive effect on children's ability to learn facts and adapt to social norms. This period is now over, and good riddance. Let's tell these fucking kids just how wrong they are about things.

Arizona Outlaws Mexican History

Hamilton Nolan · 12/28/11 10:45AM

You know what the state of Arizona needs? More xenophobia. Also, less knowledge of Mexican-American history and more fear and distrust between white people and immigrants. So thank god that a judge has upheld an earlier ruling by Arizona's school superintendent that a Mexican-American studies program in Tucson is a violation of the law, in part because it promotes "resentment toward a race or class of people." White people in Arizona, specifically!

Good Football Teams Cause Dumb Male Students, Which Seems Fair

Hamilton Nolan · 12/20/11 01:52PM

Like us, you've probably always assumed that schools with really good football teams are also full of stupid meatheads simply because stupid meatheads like football, and therefore go to those schools. That's not quite right; good football teams actually make students worse. Guy students. Cause guys like the football!

Women Be Kicking Ass at Going to College

Hamilton Nolan · 12/06/11 03:10PM

Boys, or girls: which do you think is better at going to college? If you said "boys," fuck off, you stupid idiot, no wonder you never went to college.

Report: English Lit Professors Write Too Much Boring Crap

Hamilton Nolan · 11/21/11 12:49PM

Here's what stupid uneducated people imagine that college literature professors do: teach. Har har, stupid ignorant idiots! Here is what college literature professors actually do: write obscure papers that nobody will read. Now that's where it's at!

Just One Real College Major Left

Hamilton Nolan · 11/17/11 11:41AM

We blame the 60s. For everything. Today, we blame the 60s for creating the lax and permissive atmosphere in this great nation that directly caused our "best and brightest" young university students to neglect their studies in favor of LSD, sexual intercourse, and LSD intercourse.