
What Time Should School Start?

Hamilton Nolan · 03/14/14 10:12AM

Teenagers whining about getting out of bed for school in the morning are actually on to something. High school start times are an outrageous burden. For the grownups, most of all.

You Can't Fix Higher Education Without Fixing Lower Education

Hamilton Nolan · 01/27/14 11:09AM

Many elite colleges and universities make a real effort to recruit (some) students from low income backgrounds who went to relatively poor high schools. New data shows that's not enough to remedy the damage that bad high schools do.

High School to Make Getting Into College a Graduation Requirement

Neetzan Zimmerman · 10/10/13 01:32PM

In addition to getting passing grades in all their subjects and maintaining a good attendance record, students of one school district in Oregon will be required to meet a third requirement if they wish to graduate high school: Get into college.