Before he was Tyrion Lannister—before he was even the Station Agent—Peter Dinklage was a high school kid with a kickass mullet.

A student at Dinklage's high school alma mater, the Delbarton School in Morristown, N.J. posted a scan of the actor's 1987 graduation photo on Reddit. The quote, partially cut off in the photo, is playwright Sam Shepard's assertion that "words are tools of imagery in motion."

For further indication that the young Dinklage was always destined for drama, there's this quote from an interview in Playboy:

"Everything in high school feels like it's life or death. I went to a pretty athletic high school, and I didn't have many friends. I remember once talking to my best friend, and we came up with the idea that we should hang ourselves off the bell tower: 'That'll show them!'

"We totally had no inclination to commit real suicide at all; we just liked the idea of the whole town responding to this tragedy, how the school would mourn... We were so dramatic."

In retrospect, who wouldn't want to be friends with Peter Dinklage? The athletic kids didn't know what they were missing.

[H/T Reddit]