A high school sophomore in Texas was arrested earlier this week after it turned out she was actually 34 years old.

Charity Anne Johnson allegedly enrolled at the appropriately-named New Life Christian School in Longview, Texas in March, using the name "Charity Stevens."

KLTV reports that, before enrolling at the school, Johnson told Longview resident Tamica Lincoln she was 15 and needed a place to stay. Lincoln said she agreed and acted as Johnson's guardian when she enrolled at New Life.

From KLTV:

Lincoln says Charity claimed she was abused by her biological father who has since passed away, along with her biological mother. Lincoln acted as Charity's guardian and even met with Charity's 10th grade teachers at New Life Christian School.

"I just don't know why she did it. Why put yourself and others at risk to do something like this?" she wonders. "I have deep concerns about her being who we don't know she is, and then she's out there at the school."

Lincoln said she notified police and the school as soon as she suspected Johnson was lying about her age.

"Teachers were crying and students were crying, and her best friend just couldn't believe it," Lincoln said.

Police arrested Johnson for failure to identify and giving false information after she gave them a fake name and birthday.

Lincoln told KLTV she's reached out to several people who claimed to know Johnson on Facebook; none offered to help or wanted anything to do with her, according to Lincoln.

[H/T Cooper Fleishman/Images via KLTV]