
Vice Staffers Get Some Cool Tattoos to Promote Freedom in Russia

Hamilton Nolan · 08/21/12 11:40AM

Members of the Russian punk band Pussy Riot were sentenced to two years in prison for "hooliganism" for staging an anti-Putin protest. The sentence was clearly an outrage, and drew worldwide protests. The most meaningful reaction of all: that of Vice magazine staffers in Brooklyn. They got some tattoos—Russian tattoos. READ IT AND WEEP, PUTIN.

Someone Please Give the New Subway Hero a Job

Hamilton Nolan · 06/27/12 08:25AM

Yesterday afternoon, at the Van Siclen Avenue train stop in Brooklyn, a mother, momentarily distracted, turned away from her baby's stroller; just then, a "sudden gust of wind" blew the stroller and its nine month-old passenger onto the train tracks below. A train was coming! Someone... anyone... please!

Pundits, Platitudes, and Patriotism: War Heroes and Their Enemies

Hamilton Nolan · 05/29/12 03:00PM

On Sunday, MSNBC host Chris Hayes said the following, in a discussion about war, soldiers, and death: "It is, I think, very difficult to talk about the war dead, the fallen, without invoking valor, without invoking the word 'heroes'... I feel uncomfortable about the word 'hero' because it seems to me it is so rhetorically proximate to justification for more war... it seems to me that we marshal this word in a way that is problematic."

Little Girl Handles Crisis Situation Adorably

Louis Peitzman · 05/19/12 03:08PM

A four-year-old in New York is being called a hero for dialing 911 when her brother was choking on a piece of chicken. The police sergeant who took the call was especially impressed by how "cool and collected" little Grace Varley was.

Wall Street Guys Love to Be Told How Much They Suck at Boxing

Hamilton Nolan · 05/17/12 11:45AM

Meet Eric Kelly: former boxing champion, current extremely embittered trainer of white collar boxers who suck. If they don't know they suck, Eric Kelly makes sure to tell them, and tell them, and tell them. "Yeah they're making money, working on Wall Street," says Eric of his students, "But in their mouth is where all the balls meet." Eric Kelly is genuinely hilarious, assuming you are not one of his students.

This is the World Press Photo Of The Year

Danny Gold · 02/10/12 07:07PM

This stunning image of a woman in Yemen comforting an injured relative during demonstrations against Yemen's president won the World Press Photo Of The Year. Samuel Aranda, a 32-year-old Spaniard, took the shot on October 15 in a makeshift field hospital set up in a mosque.

The Most Heroic Gawker Characters of 2011

Maureen O'Connor · 12/27/11 11:32AM

We loathe a lot of people here at Gawker, mostly because we recognize that humanity is irreversibly doomed and the future holds nothing but Kim Kardashian dancing in six-inch stilettos on the graves of the poor. (Silver lining: Well-aerated grave grass.)

With One Interview, Fat Joe Makes Hip Hop Safe for Gays

Hamilton Nolan · 11/10/11 02:12PM

We truly are living in a new era of sexual equality. Guanabee points us to this VLADTV interview with Fat Joe, who at least began his career as a no-joke hardcore New York gangster rapper. In response to a question about whether he think he's ever done a song with a gay rapper, he responds "Yes," and shrugs off the whole thing: "Niggas is gay. There's millions of gay people in the world. Girls too... I'm a fan of 'Yo, I'm gay. The fuck.' Like, 2011 you gotta hide that you're gay? Like, you know what I'm saying, like, be real, like 'Yo I'm gay, what the fuck.' If you gay you gay. Like that's your preference, you know? Fuck it if the people don't like it."

America's Nicest MMA Fighters Foil Robbery Nicely

Hamilton Nolan · 11/07/11 09:29AM

In case you missed this story from last Friday, it will start your week off on an inspirational note: the security camera video above shows Luis Rosales robbing a Los Angeles hotel—and then running into Brent Alvarez and Billy Denney, two MMA fighters who just arrived in town for a fight tournament. A group hug of crime-fighting ensued! The LAT reports:

Seattle Superhero Phoenix Jones's Secret Identity Revealed!

Seth Abramovitch · 10/11/11 01:37AM

The mystery of Phoenix Jones — the citizen superhero who stalks the streets of Seattle seeking out injustice and, for the most part, gets his ass kicked — has at last been solved. The Smoking Gun has the arrest report of one Benjamin Fodor, a 23-year-old mixed martial arts fighter who was detained by police on Sunday for assaulting four people outside a nightclub with pepper-spray.