
Here's What a Hedge Fund Profit-And-Loss Statement Looks Like

Hamilton Nolan · 10/22/13 11:49AM

Hedge funds are privately controlled and notoriously secretive investment firms with billions of dollars in assets. Here's a document listing all of the income, salaries, and spending for one hedge fund over several years.

The Nobel People Are Seriously Short on Cash

Hamilton Nolan · 10/16/13 01:17PM

The Nobel Foundation, which has been handing out the world's most prestigious prizes for more than a century, knows a lot of good economists. Maybe they should ask them how to make some money?

Hamilton Nolan · 09/16/13 03:14PM

Hedge funds are now poring over satellite photos of Wal-Mart parking lots in order to estimate how many customers stores are pulling in. Hedge funds are watching you.

Hamilton Nolan · 09/09/13 02:15PM

Price buster alert: hedge fund fees are declining slightly. One expert gushes, "'We're seeing the ability to get better fees, especially if you can commit more than $100 million' to a fund." Don't miss this opportunity to save.

Are Hedge Funds Detrimental to College Idealism?

Hamilton Nolan · 09/06/13 10:14AM

College endowments are much flashier than they used to be. They frequently reach into the billions of dollars; they attract top investing talent; and, most notably, the majority of their money is in "alternative" investments like private equity and hedge funds. Is this hurting students' ability to be proper idealists?

Hamilton Nolan · 07/12/13 02:01PM

Here you will find another in a theoretically bottomless barrel of stories explaining why hedge funds are scams.

Hedge Funds Will Be Able to Advertise Soon

Hamilton Nolan · 07/10/13 04:01PM

For 80 years, it's been illegal for hedge funds to advertise to the public, due to various SEC regulations. Now, those regulations are changing. Hedge funds will soon be able to advertise! *Eyes you up and down* Probably not to you, though.

Super-Successful Hedge Fund Reportedly a Huge Tax Dodger

Hamilton Nolan · 07/01/13 09:10AM

The Renaissance Technologies Medallion fund is one of the most successful hedge funds in history, earning an average profit of 80% per year over the last quarter of a century. The IRS believes the fund has been successful— too successful— at dodging taxes.

New $43,000 Private School Would Like to Teach Children Humility

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 05/05/13 03:30PM

The parents of Avenues, the new for-profit private school that caters to the children of "hedge-fund managers and artists who refuse to live above 23rd Street," have had an exciting first year. From a seven-page e-mail sent by parents about the lack of snacks, to a different series of emails about a homeless man's butt-crack, they remain committed to giving their children an education that matches their hard-fought wealth (part of the demand for the school was that all the other private schools in New York are clogged with legacy-students, AKA old money).

Just FYI, One of the World's Smartest Money Men Says a Crash Worse Than 2008 Is Coming

Hamilton Nolan · 03/01/13 11:05AM

Stanley Druckenmiller is a legendary hedge fund manager, former partner of George Soros, and billionaire investor. He is one of the more levelheaded and reasonable of the hedge fund gods. He's made billions of dollars by reading the world economy correctly for several decades. So it's worth at least passing on the fact that he is convinced that a new financial crash is looming for America. Worse than the last one!

Hamilton Nolan · 01/22/13 04:50PM

Hedge fund: a Robin Hood-like tool for stealing from the rich and giving to... hedge fund managers.

Hamilton Nolan · 10/05/12 10:14AM

A New York hedge funder had a court in Ghana seize an Argentine Navy vessel because Argentina owes him money. Uhhh.

A Hedge Fund Manager's Bizarre, Lengthy Response to a Declined Second Date

Max Read · 01/27/12 12:40PM

Now and then, we get forwarded crazy emails that people — most of whom are men involved in the finance industry — send to the people they're dating, or have dated, or want to date. Today: a thesaurus-happy hedge-fund manager accuses a woman he's been on one date with of lying to him and decides he'll teach her the best way to reject someone.

A Facebook Billionaire's Big Dumb Failure

Ryan Tate · 08/16/11 02:51PM

Peter Thiel is finally admitting there's a big blotch on his resumé that needs to be cleaned up. Becoming Facebook's first institutional investor was brilliant; thinking he was smart enough to predict big economic swings was incredibly dumb. Six billion dollars dumb. So Thiel will retreat into tech investing.

Twitter Hedge Fund Is Making More Money Than You

Adrian Chen · 08/16/11 12:11PM

All you investors with your crazy research and economic "theories": You should just be reading Twitter! Derwent Capital, a hedge fund that bases its investment strategy on Twitter data, outperformed the market in its first month.