
Pooping Yourself Dead, and Other Health Secrets

Hamilton Nolan · 05/27/10 12:40PM

E. coli-infested food! Metal-infested drugs! Fancy-infected doctors! Whooping-infested coughs! Harlem-infested hospitals! And liver-infested poop! It's your lifesaving Health Watch, where we watch your health—while infested with wisdom!

Kids Finding New and Funner Ways to Die

Hamilton Nolan · 05/25/10 11:41AM

Deadly sunscreen! Hooters fat! Soda hypertension! Vaccine kids! Dirty blood! Swimming babies! Swallowing batteries! It's your super-scientific Health Watch, where we watch your health—while developing firm opinions on issues too technical for us to grasp!

America's Divine Right to Junk Food

Hamilton Nolan · 04/27/10 12:22PM

Fat Qatar! Shortened lifespans! Jailbird junk food! Pot belly rights! Half of us are walking dead! It's your Health Watch, where we watch your health—if you buy us a hoagie!

How Are We Fooling Ourselves Today?

Hamilton Nolan · 03/01/10 11:48AM

Are we sex addicts, or just terrible people? Are our obese children going to live into adulthood, or are we just terrible people? Are those eyelashes real, or are you a terrible person? Science has answers. Bad answers.