Charlie Sheen Could Have a Cable Talk Show Soon
Max Read · 03/07/11 02:02AM
Who's the latest to hop on the Charlie Sheen Manic Episode Train, currently heading express to Someone Getting Seriously Hurt And Probably Dead? Yes, it's loudmouth billionaire Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks, who's apparently talking with Sheen about developing TV shows for Cuban's cable channel HDNet:
Mark Cuban's High Definition Dreams Crushed By Time Warner
Ryan Tate · 06/02/09 04:30PMIs Dan Rather Joining Tina Brown's New Venture?
Ryan Tate · 08/18/08 05:54AM
Dan Rather's contract with Mark Cuban's TV network HDNet should not be up until nearly a year from now, assuming the terms Rather disclosed just before he inked the deal still hold. But would the contract prevent the former CBS Evening News anchor from contributing in some way to Tina Brown's forthcoming news website The Beast? Perhaps that's what Brown and Rather were discussing during a "very long lunch" at The Park on Tenth Avenue, as reported by a Post spy. Though Rather's work at HDNet has garnered some positive recognition, it's not nearly as visible as his work for CBS was. A Web gig or partnership would give Rather a shot at regaining more of the attention he once had — and that any veteran TV newsman would crave. Perhaps the skilled lawyers working for Brown's business partner Barry Diller can work something out on the proud old newshound's behalf. [Post]
Mark Cuban gives "Internet is dead" stump speech in San Antonio
Jackson West · 03/27/08 03:40PM
Blogging billionaire Mark Cuban dropped by a meeting of Texas's Cable and Telecommunications Association for Marketing members in San Antonio yesterday. His message: "The Internet is dead. It's had its time; say goodbye." Cuban went on to explain that high-definition entertainment (like that offered on his HDNet channels) is the present and the future, promising that cable companies can leverage those big, pretty screens for computer-like features.
Tech industry? Mark Cuban is so not impressed with you
Nicholas Carlson · 10/15/07 01:30PMFlyover country may now know Mark Cuban better for his quick hips and jazz fingers on Dancing With the Stars, but the Web entrepreneur still likes to talk shop. A lot. He found an ear or two on Friday when AllThingsD's Walt Mossberg interviewed him at an otherwise obscure conference in Providence, Rhode Island. There, he explained that most everything you think is going well isn't really. Sorry. Some choice quotes after the jump.