Flyover country may now know Mark Cuban better for his quick hips and jazz fingers on Dancing With the Stars, but the Web entrepreneur still likes to talk shop. A lot. He found an ear or two on Friday when AllThingsD's Walt Mossberg interviewed him at an otherwise obscure conference in Providence, Rhode Island. There, he explained that most everything you think is going well isn't really. Sorry. Some choice quotes after the jump.

Vista sucks. Vista is being kept alive by corporations. They tried to make everything backward compatible and there is too much bullshit now. Mac OS X is what it is, closed. Google is completely dependent on that PC. That's a bet I'm not willing to make. Companies are public and they get yelled at for making [broadband] investment. The markets are about the big funds wanting returns and that will hurt us.

There are a few exceptions to Cuban's bearish outlook. He's bullish on his own investments in HDNet, a high-definition-TV cable network, and the Cubs. And his ability to shake what his mama gave him, of course.