Mark Cuban gives "Internet is dead" stump speech in San Antonio

Blogging billionaire Mark Cuban dropped by a meeting of Texas's Cable and Telecommunications Association for Marketing members in San Antonio yesterday. His message: "The Internet is dead. It's had its time; say goodbye." Cuban went on to explain that high-definition entertainment (like that offered on his HDNet channels) is the present and the future, promising that cable companies can leverage those big, pretty screens for computer-like features.
It's the same sermon he's been preaching since a blog post last August — namely, consumers want HD, the Web can't deliver HD, ergo the Web is boring. Which is funny, because in the last year Cuban has also shown up at South by Southwest, BlogWorld Expo and eTech. Hmm, telling both sides what they want to hear — is Cuban looking to run for public office? (Photo by AP/Matt Slocum)