
Fox News' Latest Anti-"Mosque" Propaganda: The 9/11 Body Map

Matt Cherette · 09/10/10 04:13PM

This morning, Fox News jacked up its anti-"Ground Zero Mosque" propaganda by broadcasting a "map" that identified remains of 9/11 victims and their proximity to the proposed building site—all with a decidedly biased, fear-mongering tone. Video inside.

We Will Pay Donald Trump to Shut Up

Maureen O'Connor · 09/10/10 02:03PM

Yesterday Donald Trump offered to buy the site of the proposed "Ground Zero Mosque," thereby ending the "highly divisive situation." To end the highly annoying antics of Donald Trump and his PR minions, we hereby offer to buy his silence.

The Daily Show's Profile of a Bigoted Anti-Muslim Leader

Matt Cherette · 08/25/10 10:31PM

Tonight, The Daily Show switched gears for a bit and decided to discuss a different mosque controversy: a proposed one in the heart of Tennessee. The highlight? The profile of Laurie Cardoza-Moore, a ridiculously bigoted, anti-muslim member of the opposition.