
'Grey's Anatomy' Sneaks A Swollen Scrotum Past Network Censors

seth · 04/27/07 01:07PM

Viewers of last night's Grey's Anatomy were treated to a suprise cameo appearance—or two, to be precise. As the staff of Seattle Grace stood transfixed, a patient unveiled his massive testicles, which dangled briefly into the frame like a pair of fleshy, deformed grapefruit. As it turns out, the Cisco Adlerian stones were actually the result of [SPOILER ALERT] spectacular genetics, and the patient had merely shown up for his annual physical—a routine procedure that quickly took on intimidating proportions, requiring the combined strength of Drs. McDreamy, McSteamy, and McChokey just to lift a single elephantine teste before ordering the patient to turn to the right and cough.

Playing Molested Priest Not One Of Isaiah Washington's Twelve Gayhab Steps

seth · 04/17/07 09:24PM

In a disturbing career development that will require Grey's Anatomy set menace Isaiah Washington to tap into deep pockets of rage not already neutralized by a stint in gayhab, the actor has been cast in an independent film as a priest haunted by childhood sexual abuse. It's a role he won, ironically, when the filmmaker heard he was having trouble finding parts since the T.R. Knight controversy:

World Squealing Records Shattered As Jake Gyllenhaal Takes To The GLAAD Awards Stage

seth · 04/16/07 02:15PM

The L.A. edition of GLAAD's annual media awards were held Saturday night, when the anti-defamation organization with the poorly camouflaged hard-on for Hollywood can finally indulge a year's worth of celebrity reacharound fantasies, honoring the wonderful visibility-related work being done by famous Gays and Gay-Friendlies of every letter-designated caste. A round-up:
· Recovering slur victim T.R. Knight opened the ceremonies, telling the gathered crowd, "I am angry at the inequality we face every day. I hope to turn my anger into action." He then encouraged the audience to "imagine that eclair in front of you is Isaiah Washington," and instructed them to attack the pastry accordingly with their dessert forks. [AfterElton]
· Knight later responded to reporters' questions about how things have been between him and gayhabbed co-star Isaiah Washington behind the scenes at Grey's Anatomy (which, ironically, took the outstanding individual episode award), Knight evasively replied, "I just focus on doing the work. That's my job; that's what I'm paid for; and I think that's enough." [AccessHollywood] []

The 'Grey's Anatomy' Spin-Off: Just As Delightfully Quirky As The Original Series

mark · 03/29/07 01:43PM

Thanks to a daring act of espionage that involved a fearless undercover TV-beat reporter smuggling out a microfilm document containing top secret details of the already-hyped, potential Grey's Anatomy spin-off in a body cavity even ABC's ever-vigilant security guards dared not inspect as the suspiciously tense spy exited their headquarters, the LAT can now reveal the plot of next Fall's surefire smash hit, the tentatively titled Dr. Addison and the Health Co-Op Stocked With Predictably Quirky Characters:

Grey's Anatomy: The Gag Reel

mark · 03/26/07 06:21PM

An anonymous little tipster-birdie just alerted us to the appearance of this Grey's Anatomy third-season* gag reel on the YouTubes, which we are more than happy to pass along despite being worth barely more than the kind of chuckle of recognition one might share while drunk on free wrap party booze with a coworker they've previously strangled. Towards the end of the clip, there's a cute bit featuring unofficial TR Knight bodyguard Katherine Heigl lightly satirizing the well-documented behind-the-scenes drama we've all had so much fun reading about over the preceding months, but it falls a little short of its mark due to Heigl's too-safe choice to replace the f-bomb we've learned to associate with the Grey's set with one that's an accepted part of routine tirades on virtually any TV production.

Trade Round-Up: Another Memo To Tom Cruise

mark · 03/09/07 03:39PM

· Var chief Peter Bart pens yet another memo to Tom Cruise, this time encouraging his successor at United Artists to ignore the skepticism of the press, take a big swig of some Oprah-endorsed positivity Kool-Aid, and realize that he's not the only one in this town trying to figure out how to run a studio. [Variety]
· Spunky test-pattern alternative MyNetworkTV will kick of a new schedule on Monday, shifting its focus from cheaply produced telenovelas that no one wants to watch to low-cost reality programming audiences will be eager to ignore. [THR]
· Clint Eastwood may direct and Angelina Jolie is in talks to star in The Changeling for Universal, the story of a woman who suspects that the abducted son that's eventually returned to her is not actually her child—material that the actress instantly connected with because of a paranoid fear she's been harboring that careless partner Brad Pitt lost Maddox at a Ralphs a year ago and has been trying to pass off another Cambodian orphan as their beloved tyke ever since. Imagine's Brian Grazer is also on board to superproduce the shit out of this one. [Variety]
· ABC elevates Ellen Pompeo to $200,000 per episode, while Grey's Anatomy co-stars James T. Pickens Jr, Chandra Wilson, Justin Chambers, and TR Knight are expected to get raises to $125k. No word on whether Isaiah Washington's successful completion of gayhab will earn him a similar reward, but should he be passed over on this round of renegotiations, he plans to recoup some of the withheld salary bump by stealing Knight's lunch money each day. [THR]
· USA pays $11 million for the rights to air Borat for five years starting in 2009, a relatively low sum due to the fact that the network will be forced to pixelate Ken Davitian's hairy, suffocating anus during the movie's iconic wrestling scene. [Variety]

Trade Round-Up: Will Smith Options Monotonously Uplifiting Story Of Crack-Slinging Gourmet Chef

mark · 03/07/07 03:03PM

· Superhero icon Captain America, who somehow survived a near-fatal movie adaptation back in 1990, was not so lucky after being struck by a sniper's bullet in the latest issue of his comic book. [Variety]
· With his homeless-guy-to-stockbroker-bigshot turn failing to bring home that elusive Oscar, Will Smith plans to see if he might have better luck with soft-hearted Academy voters by playing a jailed-crack-dealer-turned-gourmet-chef, optioning the memoir Cooked: From the Streets to the Stove, From Cocaine to Foie Gras for what we assume will be an eventual starring, tear-jerking role. [THR]
· Supporting socially moderate Republican presidential hopefuls Rudolph Giuliani and John McCain might—might—not land industry conservatives on Hollywood's right-wing blacklist. [Variety]
· Tim "McWingsy" Daly and Paul "McWho?" Adelstein join the cast of the two-hour, Very Special Grey's
episode that may result in a spin-off. [THR]
· Exhausted network rivals take a night off from trying to fight off American Idol, flipping over and offering only token repeat resistance to their inevitable Nielsen buggering last night. [Variety]

Trade Round-Up: Isaiah Washington Gets Image Award For Successfully Completing Gayhab

mark · 03/05/07 04:03PM

· Miami Heat center and Kazaam star Shaquille O'Neal will star in a six episode ABC reality series this summer in which he will help fat kids in Florida lose weight, explaining to them that it's only acceptable to carry around extra pounds if you're a multimillionaire basketball player who needs a protective layer of fat to protect oneself from the violent, uncalled fouls of undersized opponents. [Variety]
· Foreigners prove that awkward dubs or subtitles don't interfere with one's appreciation of Nic Cage's fiery-headed High Art, delivering Ghost Rider to a third consecutive weekend atop the international box office. [THR]
· The NAACP recognizes Grey's Anatomy star Isaiah Washington with an Image Award for Best Actor in a Drama Series Whose Well-Publicized Episodes Of Troubling Homophobia We Will Happily Ignore. [Variety]
· Sony thumbs its nose at American moviegoers, announcing that Spider-Man 3 will premiere in Tokyo three days before its U.S. bow. On the bright side, jilted Stateside Spidey fans will probably be able to download pirated, camcorded copies of the movie a couple of days earlier than usual. [Variety]
· Fox's The Winner debuts in third-place in the 18-49 demographic, but scores first with its target audience of 32-year-old men who might eventually wind up molesting their 14-year-old best friends. [THR]

'Grey's Anatomy' Spinoff Ensures TV's Most Disgruntled Cast Stays That Way

seth · 02/28/07 01:40PM

No sooner had some semblance of normalcy finally returned to the Grey's Anatomy set, with a fully rehabilitated Isaiah Washington using his newly acquired anger-management tools to temper his castigations of line-flubbing co-star T.R. Knight with the far less incendiary, "Nice job, ffffforgetful!" comes news of further dissension among the horny-physician ranks. The recent announcement by ABC of a possible spinoff for Kate Walsh's character, Dr. Addison Montgomery-Shepherd (aka Dr. Ex-Mrs. Dr. McDreamy) has, notes Star magazine, received a chilly reception from the rest of the cast:

Trade Round-Up: ABC Gives Taye Diggs Undisclosed Job On 'Grey's' Sequel

mark · 02/22/07 02:31PM

· Jesse Jackson lets the industry know that it can't fool him with Oscar nominations (and likely wins) for Jennifer Hudson, Forest Whitaker, and Eddie Murphy, as he sees right through this obvious stalling tactic putting off an oft-promised dehonkification of Hollywood. [Variety]
· ABC might not be revealing exactly what their Grey's Anatomy spinoff will be about, but they're conceding this: Taye Diggs is going to be in it. We're sure they'll find something for him to do involving cradling the adorable, sickly babies Dr. Addison just saved from tragic demises. [THR]
· Fox plans on giving Steven Spielberg's On the Lot reality competition a leg up by premiering it after one of the last American Idol installments of the season, hoping that viewers will stick around even when they figure out that Ryan Seacrest won't be showing up to console the losers. [Variety]
· Today's evocative verb referring to what Idol did to its competition last night: "tramples." [THR]
· The stunt-casting of Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter as president and VP in a bit dramatizing every liberal's most disturbing nightmare helps the premiere of Fox News Channel's Daily Show knockoff The 1/2 Hour News Hour to big debut ratings. [Variety]

'Grey's Anatomy': The Spinoff

mark · 02/21/07 12:43PM

Have you ever found yourself bumped out of the trance once reliably induced by a claustrophobic, emotionally fraught exchange between Ellen Pompeo and Patrick Dempsey in one of Seattle Grace's conversation-enabling elevators by the thought, "This contrived sexual tension is nice, but I really wish I knew what McDreamy's ex-wife was up to right now"? If you're the one, please immediately wrap your head in tinfoil, scrawl the word STOP on a nearby wall in your own feces, and smash your TV's screen with the commemorative stainless steel vibrator from your Sex and the City: The Complete Series box set, as ABC's Steven McPherson is clearly burgling your thoughts: Today's WSJ reports that the network is planning a two-hour Grey's Anatomy special that will serve as a back-door pilot for a potential spinoff centered around Dr. Addison Montgomery-Shepherd, the show's "sexy neonatal-surgeon" character. As yet, there's no plot or title (let's just slap Dr. Adddison: Baby Saver on the project and be done with it), but these are minor concerns when there's a "white-hot" property to be exploited before the public tires of distressingly skinny doctors in labcoats fucking in unoccupied hospital rooms, then spending the next five episodes whining about the experience.

Short Ends: McDreamy Finds A Soulmate

mark · 02/15/07 09:06PM

· And we thought that McDreamy would never find true love.
· How many letters are there in "famewhore" again? Oh, more than two? Damn.
· Comedy Central's Insider blog is ready to throw down with the sure-to-be-hilarious Fox News Daily Show knock-off.
· We really don't have the heart to tell this guy that Ari Gold is just a fictional character.
· That trick where Simon/Paula/Randy pretend to be breaking bad news to a room full of Idol hopefuls never gets old! And now you can bring the fun home with this rejection kit.

Katherine Heigl Hopeful That Isaiah Washington's Gayhabilitation Will Stick

seth · 02/08/07 01:57PM

Katherine Heigl's on-camera admonition of rage-prone Grey's Anatomy co-star Isaiah Washington backstage at the Golden Globes was the scold her 'round the world, and led directly to the actor checking himself into a career-salvaging stint in gayhab. The actress appeared on Good Morning America this morning, where she described a cautious optimism among her fellow cast members that things seem to be returning back to normal since Dr. McPlays-Well-With-Othersy returned:

Buy Katherine Heigl's Alien Rack Support On Ebay!

seth · 02/01/07 06:56PM

Because we here at Defamer like nothing more than to play marketplace matchmaker to merchants of slightly used celebrity undergarments and their devotees, we'd like to now divert your attentions to eBay Lot #280076499409, consisting of two manificent examples of the satin and lace contour bra, dating to the late 20th Century and guaranteed to have been worn by Katherine Heigl during her Foxy Extraterrestrial period:

The Saggies: The One In Rehab Makes Acceptance Speech Cameo

mark · 01/29/07 12:21PM

Perhaps the ceremony's only true highlight was Grey's Anatomy's star Chandra Wilson's acceptance speech for her Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series win (above, also presented with Spanish voiceover here), in which the actress, moments after a clip played featuring her admonishing co-star T.R. Knight for looking at her "vajayjay", thanked "those 10 cast members sitting over there, and the other one in rehab." Apparently, the requirements of Isaiah Washington's recovery program prevented him from attending the event with his colleagues, allowing him to avoid an uncomfortable moment backstage after the Grey's cast's TV ensemble award, when he might have attempted to demonstrate his speedy progress through Gayhab by repeatedly inviting Knight to join in an open-mouth display of healing.

ABC Sends Isaiah Washington To GayHab

mark · 01/24/07 03:08PM

Just two days after meeting with the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network to begin the long, arduous process of personally apologizing to every advocacy group listed in his publicist's "What To Do When A Client Outs A Popular Co-Star In A Fit Of Rage, Then Runs Around Repeating Anti-Gay Slurs Backstage At A Globally Covered Awards Show" crisis management file, Grey's Anatomy star Isaiah Washington is already moving on to the next step in the rehabilitation process that may allow him to keep his job: the obligatory trip to a treatment facility where he can hide out until some of the career-hampering controversy dies down. Reports Life & Style (exclusively!):

Isaiah Washington's Apology Tour Makes Its First Stop At Tastefully Decorated Gay-Rights HQ

seth · 01/23/07 12:49PM

As ABC lawyers continue to pore through the "Legitimate Grounds for Shitcanning" paragraph in Isaiah Washington's contract, the disgraced Grey's Anatomy actor with the well-documented prejudice against Hollywood's hard-working sodomites has been taking every possible measure to save his job reach across sexual preference lines to make amends. Washington fired his longtime publicist Cynthia Snyder, presumably for her failure to stuff a cocktail napkin into his mouth before the fatal slur could re-emerge; in her place he hired Kelly "I managed to get the world to stop talking about R. Kelly peeing on a 14-year-old and start talking about 'Trapped in a Closet!'" Mullens and her partner in damage control crime, Allen Mayer. First order of business: Getting Washington into a roomful of Gays. Reports the AP: