Socialite's Nazi Publicist Called Sellout By Fellow Racists
Ryan Tate · 07/28/08 10:26PM
Earlier this month we wrote about how New York socialite Emilia Fanjul (pictured) hired as an executive assistant and charter-school press contact one Chloe Black, who marries and otherwise travels in white supremacist circles. The story was picked up by the Post and down in Palm Beach, and boy did the shit hit the fan! Among neo-Nazis, that is. Chloe Black, you see, told the Palm Beach paper, "I... do not agree with extremist or racially prejudiced views," even though she was once vice president of the Louisiana KKK and has attended a variety of white supremacist conferences recently, including one in Alabama in June. Perhaps she was trying to appease her boss Fanjul, who according to a Post source did not know about Black's history and who, as of July 18, has not fired her. In any case, commenters in racist Web forums — like the one run by Black's current husband! — are enraged at Black's professed non-bigotry, the Southern Poverty Law Center reports. A sampling: