Obscenely rich Mark Zuckerberg declares war on poor leakers

One curious thing about the Wall Street Journal story reporting that Facebook was looking to raise as much as $260 million — but not the $500 million celebritard blogger Fake Steve Jobs suggested. The Journal's Vauhini Vara cites "a person" or "people familiar with the matter" six times. What does that indecipherable journalism-speak actually mean?
Attributing a statement to "a person familiar with the matter" is perhaps the loosest sourcing an uptight outlet like the Journal will tolerate. It means, in short, someone who knows what he's talking about, but can't even let his employer, position, or even connection to the subject of the story be known.
And why is that the case here? Because, we hear newly minted paper billionaire Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has threatened to fire anyone caught leaking to reporters like Vara. Gee, Mark. I don't know if that's really wise. Don't you think it might get a bit lonely without all your pals?