PR guy's site links to bestiality, rape porn

Richard Laermer of RLM PR is either into some really depraved adult entertainment. Or he's very lazy. That's the conclusion of fellow flack Peter Shankman, an early riser who was no doubt checking out Laermer's source code at 4 a.m. before going for a jog. The site's code reveals links to sites featuring bestiality and "nonconsensual sex," a cute little euphemism for rape porn. So how did Laermer let all that onto his site?
Search engine optimization experts told PR blogger Peter Shankman that if Laermer isn't a violent sex fiend, he either copied his code from a porn site or he doesn't have effective security in place to keep porn "bots" from writing over his HTML to boost their search rankings. (Photo by It'sGreg)