
Anderson Cooper, International Man of Mystery

Jessica · 09/06/06 10:28AM

Before he was hosting The Mole and crusading around New Orleans, CNN anchor Anderson Cooper was just a rich kid with a whitebread dream: to be a spy. Radar reports (correctly, we hope) that after his sophomore and junior years at Yale, Anderson Cooper eschewed paper-shuffling summer internships in lieu of some quality time in Langley, Virginia, at the CIA's headquarters, where he was part of a CIA summer program for student interested in intelligence work. (And, as an aside, doesn't the concept of a CIA summer program give you the chills? Like Space Camp meets WarGames meets Silence of the Lambs.)

Google launches government search — as explained by vlogger Ze Frank

Nick Douglas · 06/19/06 01:15PM

This weekend, Google launched a U.S. Government search (didn't we already have one?) aimed at government employees — probably building on its lesson, learned when helping out FEMA with Google Maps, that the U.S. government couldn't find its own ass with its hands glued to it.

DOJ wants Google, MS, and AOL to screw us over

Nick Douglas · 06/02/06 01:33PM

Hide the porn and stop searching for "Bush is a loser" — the US government today asked Internet companies to keep records of e-mails and web searches. Not demanded — they'd need Congress's approval for that — but asked. Like, as a favor, in between the Chinese censorship and the Nazi collaboration. The Attorney General and FBI director made this request to AOL, Microsoft, Comcast, and Google (and Verizon, a known informant). Who will sell us out first? Let's guess!

VCs rob Silicon Valley of preschool for all

Nick Douglas · 05/26/06 10:58AM

In Silicon Valley, where busy parents need another place to send the kids all day, Proposition 82, the Preschool for All Act, is supported by VC John Doerr and Netflix CEO Reed Hastings.

Microsoft and the DoD work on Virtual Earth

Nick Douglas · 05/18/06 01:25PM

Microsoft and the Department of Defense? OMG trustworthy! The software company that everyone respects and trusts signed a contract last week to work with an equally loved and trusted government agency on Microsoft Virtual Earth (like Google Earth with extra suck).

Google hires lobbyists

ndouglas · 03/29/06 11:26AM

After a gentle reminder that it's not the only bloated, power-hungry behemoth in the nation, Google decided that it's not above politics after all. (Hanging out with Gavin Newsom didn't count.) So the "we may be huge but we're quirky and indie" company sighed, rolled up its sleeves, and hired some Washington lobbyists (pictured).

Remainders: Let's slay this ogre and discuss your business plan

ndouglas · 02/10/06 09:51PM

Geeky investor Joi Ito says the new golf isn't extreme biking, it's World of Warcraft. []
Pixar's taking over Toy Story 3, not shelving it. A power play against Lasseter, or can he wring more magic from the series? [Moviehole]
Google can keep a copy of your tax records, love letters, and porn folder, and they promise not to peek — as long as that's considered evil, anyway. [EFF]
Get in on the ground floor (or own a piece of doomed software history) — order a Flockstar tee. [Factory Joe]
Homeland Security saves the Internet from hackers and, um, bloggers in a simulation. They probably cheated and skipped the "Cory Doctorow of Mass Destruction" simulation. [Newsvine]