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Before he was hosting The Mole and crusading around New Orleans, CNN anchor Anderson Cooper was just a rich kid with a whitebread dream: to be a spy. Radar reports (correctly, we hope) that after his sophomore and junior years at Yale, Anderson Cooper eschewed paper-shuffling summer internships in lieu of some quality time in Langley, Virginia, at the CIA's headquarters, where he was part of a CIA summer program for student interested in intelligence work. (And, as an aside, doesn't the concept of a CIA summer program give you the chills? Like Space Camp meets WarGames meets Silence of the Lambs.)

CNN explains that the Cooper's lifelong indebtedness to secretly working towards government control of the media hasn't been publicly discussed because no one really gives a fuck about summer internships (see: The Hills), plus it may "compromise" Cooper's ability to weep in foreign countries. But if you think this information is slightly sketchy, consider his post-Yale stint "studying Vietnamese" at the University of Hanoi. Nothing wrong with disclosing your closeted anchor's proximity to a hotbed of child sex slaves. That's far less compromising than a Big Brother connection.

Anderson Cooper's CIA Secret [Radar]