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Poor Rupert Murdoch and his social networking site can't get a break. MySpace is facing scads of issues today:

  • Readers say their accounts are disappearing. It's probably just a technical error following last weekend's MySpace blackout, and not co-founder Tom Anderson exacting revenge on all who maligned him. Still, one reader says, "the thing is...last night i changed my account and one of the dislikes that i listed under the 'about me' section was 'asian fetishists.'"
  • An adult site got great news coverage for opening "Utherverse," an adults-only MySpace. Reuters thinks it's a possible solution to pedophile problems. But why does Utherverse let people sign up without stating their age? [Reuters]
  • The House of Representatives just voted 410 to 15 in favor of banning MySpace from all public schools and libraries. Unless a lot of teens buy those MySpace-enabled Helio phones, this will take a bite out of the user base. [TechCrunch]